12. travnja 2025.
International Rules Pool Tour
64 |
7. lipnja 2025.
International Rules Pool Tour
96 |
5. srpnja 2025.
International Rules Pool Tour
64 |
18. srpnja. - 20. srpnja 2025.
International Rules Pool Tour
128 |
2. kolovoza 2025.
International Rules Pool Tour
64 |
22. ožujka 2025.
International Rules Pool Tour
5th / 64 |
22. ožujka 2025.
International Rules Pool Tour
33rd / 96 |
14. veljače. - 16. veljače 2025.
International Rules Pool Tour
17th / 128 |
1. veljače 2025.
International Rules Pool Tour
33rd / 48 |
1. veljače 2025.
International Rules Pool Tour
33rd / 64 |
29. kolovoza. - 30. kolovoza 2021.
International Rules Pool Tour
85 |
23. studenoga 2019.
Court pool club
96 |
All matches |
258 / 421
1976 / 3506
Worldrules |
129 / 196
996 / 1721
8-Ball |
4 / 7
37 / 71
Heyball |
0 / 1
3 / 13
International Rules |
81 / 141
636 / 1147
Blackball |
44 / 76
304 / 554
I am now 53 years old, I love all cue sports. In 1985 I started to play snooker and fell in love with the game, I played to a high standard back then having my highest break of 145. I then took up 9ball in 1995 and reached number 4 in the rankings in 2001 where I played on sky sports in the world championships also making me a reserve for the Mosconi Cup. I then left all Cue sports in 2001 to concentrate on my business and in 2012 I decided i need to start playing again so I took up 8ball pool. I am still learning the game regards to the tactical side but I believe I am getting better. I have to now start wearing glasses as my eyesight has deteriorated and this has really affected my potting ability. I have been playing on the EPA seniors tour for 4 years and this year I won my first ever event. I represent the mens India team in the world championships but currently have decided to play for the Seniors India team. And lastly my favourite singer is Elvis Presley and you will often hear me singing Elvis songs on the karaoke. I am a very friendly chap so when you see me please come and say "Hi". The world is not friendly enough. God bless and respect to all.