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February 9, 2025

US: Finale de ligue R1_2025 au jeu du 14/1


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#NameHighest breakAvg Points
1 France Michel NATALI
25, 24, 22, 21, 13 4.717 220
2 France Noel Bensaid
25, 24, 22, 17, 14 3.563 190
3 Italy Fabrizio Inga
20, 15, 14, 14, 7 3.063 162
3 France Laurent Bourdelles
28, 16, 13, 7 4.077 162
5 France Stéphane ARBAUD
17, 9, 9, 6, 3 2.373 136
5 France Hugo Vial
25, 17, 15, 13, 3 3.528 136
5 Philippines Arnolf Yorac
16, 10, 4 2.535 136
5 France Jean Aktas
15, 12, 9, 6 2.804 136
9 France Roland Gros
11, 7, 5 2.220 112
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9 France Loup Villar
20, 12, 4 2.227 112
9 France Alban Lagier
12, 12, 8 2.200 112
9 France Sebastien Garcia
10, 9, 6 2.164 112
13 France Sandrine Cotard
10, 4 1.118 98
13 France Michel Rivard
10, 7, 7 1.982 98
13 France Thierry Tibert
15, 6, 5 1.833 98
13 Philippines Alec Bucud
4, 2 1.000 98
17 France Karine BENDAVID
13, 11, 2 1.619 90
17 Philippines Joderick Sumile
14, 10, 4 1.417 90
17 France Henry Franco
9, 3 1.500 90
Starts Feb 9, 2025, 8:30 AM (local time)
Entry open from Jan 28, 2025, 8:00 AM (local time)
Entry deadline Feb 5, 2025, 7:00 PM (local time)
Organizer Ligue de Billard Méditerranée
Contact Roland Gros
Rankings US: Finale de ligue R1_2025
Format Double to Single elimination (19 Participants)
Race to 50
Handicap No handicap


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