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21 nëntor - 24 nëntor 2024

BK Borgen Jubileum Nordic Open Hcp


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Fillon 21 nën 2024, 10:00 e paradites Derisa 24 nën 2024 (Koha lokale)
Entry open from 23 sht 2024, 1:00 e pasdites (Koha lokale)
Afati i hyrjes(Regjistrimit) 28 tet 2024, 4:00 e pasdites (Koha lokale)
Organizatori Biljardklubben Borgen
Format Rundi robin (24 Pjesmarresit)
Gara deri ne : 30
Hendikep Me hendikep
Kodi i veshjes No jeans and no sneakers. Club t-shirt, one coloured trousers, dark shoes
Me shum informata
Entry fee: 800 SKR

It is very important that every player has an approved Cuescoreprofile to
make your prescription!!!
The drawing will be made on November 1st at 18pm.
Tournament leader is Jo Björnstad and Magnus Jarbo. David Pennör as assistant.
Do you have any questions please contact us on Cuescore and we will answer as soon as we can.
Dresscode: No jeans and no sneakers. Club t-shirt, one coloured trousers, dark shoes

We can't change the your start.


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

Shorti nuk eshte bere ende.


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