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September 13 - September 15, 2024

Prostar CUP XI - by Longoni (Italy)


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#NameMatches (won/lost)Frames (won/lost)Win percentage
1 Italy Valentino Cordelli
11 (11/0) 107 (71/36)
2 Italy Angelo Millauro
12 (8/4) 119 (73/46)
3 Netherlands Niels Feijen
9 (8/1) 83 (56/27)
3 Spain Álvaro Lama-Pereira
11 (9/2) 102 (62/40)
5 Italy Luca Montanari
9 (8/1) 79 (45/34)
5 Italy Filippo Eugenio Cataldi
9 (7/2) 78 (49/29)
5 Albania Arjan Matrizi
9 (5/4) 88 (49/39)
5 Italy Andrea Dell'Ariccia
10 (7/3) 93 (51/42)
9 Spain Alvaro Canóniga
9 (6/3) 75 (43/32)
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9 Italy Gianmarco Tonini
9 (6/3) 76 (41/35)
9 Serbia Milan Bugarski
8 (6/2) 70 (39/31)
9 Italy Alberto Ferrara
8 (7/1) 60 (39/21)
9 Serbia Luka Bugarski
9 (7/2) 74 (49/25)
9 Croatia Mario Gulić
8 (6/2) 73 (41/32)
9 Italy Marcello Valoroso
8 (7/1) 59 (37/22)
9 Italy Michele Bianchini
8 (5/3) 61 (36/25)
17 Italy Davide De Santis
8 (4/4) 64 (32/32)
17 Italy Marco Cordova
8 (5/3) 57 (33/24)
17 Italy Davide Sini
8 (6/2) 67 (40/27)
17 Italy Angelo Salzano
8 (5/3) 63 (35/28)
17 Italy Andrea Milioli
8 (6/2) 69 (39/30)
17 Italy Giampiero Rinaldi
8 (5/3) 64 (36/28)
17 Italy Marco Brugnano
8 (5/3) 60 (31/29)
17 Italy Danilo Cirasa
8 (4/4) 63 (32/31)
33 Cyprus Costas Konnaris
7 (4/3) 46 (26/20)
33 Czech Republic Veronika Hubrtova
7 (4/3) 44 (25/19)
33 Romania Alexandru Ghetau
7 (4/3) 53 (26/27)
33 Ireland Alan Conway
7 (4/3) 50 (27/23)
33 Italy Alessio Bernardini
6 (3/3) 40 (19/21)
33 Italy Elio Sammarini
7 (4/3) 51 (29/22)
33 Italy Roland Paja
7 (3/4) 51 (25/26)
33 Italy Gianluca Boni
7 (4/3) 46 (27/19)
41 Norway Ine Helvik
Svithun BK
7 (3/4) 48 (22/26)
41 Italy Andrea Tosatto
7 (3/4) 55 (28/27)
41 Denmark Martin Brackenbury
7 (4/3) 47 (27/20)
41 Italy Emiliano Grassi
6 (2/4) 41 (15/26)
41 Italy Antonio Bosco
7 (3/4) 47 (21/26)
41 Italy Marco Fiore
7 (2/5) 53 (27/26)
41 Italy Roberto Natale
7 (4/3) 51 (26/25)
41 Italy Gianni Mondini
7 (3/4) 44 (18/26)
49 Italy Giacomo Valeruz
6 (1/5) 47 (20/27)
49 Tanzania Paul Florin Mandroiu
7 (2/5) 47 (20/27)
49 Italy Alessio Coró
7 (2/5) 52 (21/31)
49 Germany Dominik Deisenrieder
7 (2/5) 51 (22/29)
49 Italy Andrea Bertagna
7 (2/5) 49 (20/29)
49 Italy Andrea Auletta
7 (2/5) 45 (16/29)
49 Italy Domenico Andretta
7 (4/3) 52 (25/27)
49 Italy Vittorio De Falco
7 (3/4) 51 (23/28)
57 Italy Antonio Romano
7 (2/5) 43 (14/29)
57 Italy Francesca Colucci
7 (1/6) 47 (13/34)
57 Italy Massimiliano Panucci
6 (1/5) 46 (17/29)
57 Italy Marco Gurrera
7 (2/5) 47 (19/28)
57 United States Garret Vaughan
7 (2/5) 45 (15/30)
57 United States Graysin Vaughan
7 (1/6) 44 (14/30)
57 Italy Massimo Franco
7 (2/5) 48 (16/32)
57 Italy Matteo Ongaro
7 (1/6) 48 (16/32)
65 Germany Ralf Mrnka
7 (1/6) 53 (20/33)
65 Italy Daniele Carlino
7 (0/7) 46 (11/35)
65 Italy Silvia Gaudino
7 (0/7) 47 (12/35)
65 Italy Leoluca Virgadamo
7 (1/6) 53 (19/34)
65 Italy Francesco pio Ferrara
7 (1/6) 47 (14/33)
65 Denmark Katrine Feijen
7 (0/7) 48 (13/35)
65 Italy Nicola Fortunato
0 (0/0) 0 (0/0)
65 Italy Patrizio Marone
7 (0/7) 43 (8/35)
Starts Sep 13, 2024, 8:30 AM Until Sep 15, 2024 (local time)
Entry open from Aug 14, 2024, 12:00 AM (local time)
Entry deadline Aug 18, 2024, 12:00 AM (local time)
Organizer Pool Events
Contact Marco Conventi (
Format Round robin (64 Participants)
Race to 5
Handicap No handicap
Dresscode Friday and Saturday during the qualifying rounds

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Elegant shoe or black sneaker
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Formula di gioco - Tournament format

La formula di gioco! 8 gironi da 8 Atleti.

round robin a nr. 8 Atleti (7 ore di gioco con 7 diversi avversari per tutti gli Atleti iscritti);
si qualificano i primi 3 Atleti di ogni girone
accederanno quindi al tabellone finale, (data 15 Settembre), 24 Atleti. Il vincente del girone attenderà lo scontro tra un secondo e un terzo classificato. Naturalmente ad eliminazione diretta;
la manifestazione è aperta a tutti gli Atleti, tesserati e non;
la manifestazione non prevede gironi a categoria, ma trattandosi di Open Internazionale, tutti gli Atleti, anche di categorie differenti, saranno sorteggiati, senza nessuna sorta di pilotaggio;
la manifestazione è a carattere internazionale ed ha come limite massimo di Atleti iscritti nr. 64. Oltre tale limite sarà aperta una lista d'attesa;

Quota iscrizione 150 €.

le iscrizioni saranno gestite autonomamente su
i pagamenti potranno essere versati solo con Carta di Credito con un sovraprezzo dovuto alle commissioni di Stripe.
gli Atleti che accederanno alla lista d'attesa potranno richiedere di pagare la propria quota di iscrizione in modo da risultare nei primi posti in caso di defezione di Atleti regolarmente iscritti. La richiesta va fatta via mail ( dopo aver effettuato l'iscrizione.

The field will be divided into 8 groups of maximum 8 players. In a round robin format, all players will play each other in each group.
In the group phase, it's race to 5 (best of 9).
The best tree of each group will qualify for the Final 24 single elimination phase.
In the single elimination phase, it's race to 9 (best of 17).
It is an open international event and every participant is subject to the draw.
The Final 24 will be drawn, number 2 of each group against number 3 of another group. the winner of this match play number 1 of each group.
There is a maximum of 64 spots. Entries above that number will be put on the reserve list.

Entry fee € 150.

Registrations will solely be handled via
Payments can only be made by Credit Card with a surcharge due to Stripe fees.
All entry fees go to the prize fund.
Athletes who access the waiting list may request to pay their own registration fee in order to be in the first places in case of defection of regularly registered Athletes. The request should be made via email ( after registering.

Round-robin standings

Group A Ranking method
Pos Name Played Win Tie Lose ws ls sd RO Lags Bonus avg Pts
1 Michele Bianchini 7 5 0 2 32 16 16 0 0 0 0.667 10
2 Marco Cordova 7 5 0 2 29 15 14 0 0 0 0.659 10
3 Davide De Santis 7 4 0 3 29 23 6 1 0 0 0.558 8
4 Alan Conway 7 4 0 3 27 23 4 2 0 0 0.54 8
5 Roberto Natale 7 4 0 3 26 25 1 1 0 0 0.51 8
6 Domenico Andretta 7 4 0 3 25 27 -2 0 0 0 0.481 8
7 Massimo Franco 7 2 0 5 16 32 -16 0 0 0 0.333 4
8 Silvia Gaudino 7 0 0 7 12 35 -23 0 0 0 0.255 0
Group B Ranking method
Pos Name Played Win Tie Lose ws ls sd RO Lags Bonus avg Pts
1 Marcello Valoroso 7 7 0 0 35 13 22 0 0 0 0.729 14
2 Angelo Salzano 7 5 0 2 30 19 11 0 0 0 0.612 10
3 Gianmarco Tonini 7 5 0 2 29 22 7 0 0 0 0.569 10
4 Alexandru Ghetau 7 4 0 3 26 27 -1 0 0 0 0.491 8
5 Marco Fiore 7 2 0 5 27 26 1 0 0 0 0.509 4
6 Alessio Coró 7 2 0 5 21 31 -10 0 0 0 0.404 4
7 Antonio Romano 7 2 0 5 14 29 -15 0 0 0 0.326 4
8 Leoluca Virgadamo 7 1 0 6 19 34 -15 0 0 0 0.358 2
Group C Ranking method
Pos Name Played Win Tie Lose ws ls sd RO Lags Bonus avg Pts
1 Filippo Eugenio Cataldi 7 6 0 1 33 17 16 0 0 0 0.66 12
2 Andrea Milioli 7 6 0 1 33 21 12 0 0 0 0.611 12
3 Marco Brugnano 7 5 0 2 29 20 9 0 0 0 0.592 10
4 Gianluca Boni 7 4 0 3 27 19 8 0 0 0 0.587 8
5 Martin Brackenbury 7 4 0 3 27 20 7 0 0 0 0.574 8
6 Andrea Bertagna 7 2 0 5 20 29 -9 0 0 0 0.408 4
7 Matteo Ongaro 7 1 0 6 16 32 -16 0 0 0 0.333 2
8 Patrizio Marone 7 0 0 7 8 35 -27 0 0 0 0.186 0
Group D Ranking method
Pos Name Played Win Tie Lose ws ls sd RO Lags Bonus avg Pts
1 Luca Montanari 7 7 0 0 35 19 16 0 0 0 0.648 14
2 Davide Sini 7 6 0 1 34 18 16 2 0 0 0.654 12
3 Angelo Millauro 7 4 0 3 29 18 11 1 0 0 0.617 8
4 Roland Paja 7 3 0 4 25 26 -1 0 0 0 0.49 6
5 Ine Helvik 7 3 0 4 22 26 -4 0 0 0 0.458 6
6 Vittorio De Falco 7 3 0 4 23 28 -5 0 0 0 0.451 6
7 Marco Gurrera 7 2 0 5 19 28 -9 0 0 0 0.404 4
8 Daniele Carlino 7 0 0 7 11 35 -24 0 0 0 0.239 0
Group E Ranking method
Pos Name Played Win Tie Lose ws ls sd RO Lags Bonus avg Pts
1 Niels Feijen 6 6 0 0 31 11 20 2 0 0 0.738 12
2 Mario Gulić 6 5 0 1 29 21 8 0 0 0 0.58 10
3 Arjan Matrizi 6 3 0 3 25 21 4 0 0 0 0.543 6
4 Alessio Bernardini 6 3 0 3 19 21 -2 0 0 0 0.475 6
5 Emiliano Grassi 6 2 0 4 15 26 -11 0 0 0 0.366 4
6 Giacomo Valeruz 6 1 0 5 20 27 -7 0 0 0 0.426 2
7 Massimiliano Panucci 6 1 0 5 17 29 -12 0 0 0 0.37 2
8 Nicola Fortunato 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Group F Ranking method
Pos Name Played Win Tie Lose ws ls sd RO Lags Bonus avg Pts
1 Valentino Cordelli 7 7 0 0 35 12 23 0 0 0 0.745 14
2 Luka Bugarski 7 6 0 1 34 13 21 0 0 0 0.723 12
3 Alvaro Canóniga 7 5 0 2 28 17 11 0 0 0 0.622 10
4 Costas Konnaris 7 4 0 3 26 20 6 0 0 0 0.565 8
5 Antonio Bosco 7 3 0 4 21 26 -5 0 0 0 0.447 6
6 Andrea Auletta 7 2 0 5 16 29 -13 0 0 0 0.356 4
7 Francesca Colucci 7 1 0 6 13 34 -21 0 0 0 0.277 2
8 Katrine Feijen 7 0 0 7 13 35 -22 0 0 0 0.271 0
Group G Ranking method
Pos Name Played Win Tie Lose ws ls sd RO Lags Bonus avg Pts
1 Milan Bugarski 7 6 0 1 33 22 11 0 0 0 0.6 12
2 Giampiero Rinaldi 7 5 0 2 32 19 13 0 0 0 0.627 10
3 Andrea Dell'Ariccia 7 5 0 2 28 25 3 0 0 0 0.528 10
4 Elio Sammarini 7 4 0 3 29 22 7 0 0 0 0.569 8
5 Andrea Tosatto 7 3 0 4 28 27 1 0 0 0 0.509 6
6 Dominik Deisenrieder 7 2 0 5 22 29 -7 2 0 0 0.431 4
7 Garret Vaughan 7 2 0 5 15 30 -15 0 0 0 0.333 4
8 Ralf Mrnka 7 1 0 6 20 33 -13 0 0 0 0.377 2
Group H Ranking method
Pos Name Played Win Tie Lose ws ls sd RO Lags Bonus avg Pts
1 Alberto Ferrara 7 7 0 0 35 12 23 0 0 0 0.745 14
2 Álvaro Lama-Pereira 7 6 0 1 31 18 13 0 0 0 0.633 12
3 Danilo Cirasa 7 4 0 3 30 22 8 0 0 0 0.577 8
4 Veronika Hubrtova 7 4 0 3 25 19 6 0 0 0 0.568 8
5 Gianni Mondini 7 3 0 4 18 26 -8 0 0 0 0.409 6
6 Paul Florin Mandroiu 7 2 0 5 20 27 -7 0 0 0 0.426 4
7 Graysin Vaughan 7 1 0 6 14 30 -16 1 0 0 0.318 2
8 Francesco pio Ferrara 7 1 0 6 14 33 -19 0 0 0 0.298 2


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