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29 марта г. - 30 марта 2025 г.

Predator New Zealand 8 Ball Tour - Auckland Open

Congratulations on entering the Predator New Zealand Men's 8 Ball Tour. Please be at the venue by 9:00am on Saturday Oct 26th. Also, remember this is a dress code event and this will be strictly enforced. Thanks!
Congratulations on entering the Predator New Zealand Men's 8 Ball Tour. Please be at the venue by 9:00am on Saturday Oct 26th. Also, remember this is a dress code event and this will be strictly enforced. Thanks!

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Начало 29 мар. 2025 г., 10:00 До 30 мар. 2025 г. (Местное время)
Entry open from 23 февр. 2025 г., 00:00 (Местное время)
Окончание регистрации 27 мар. 2025 г., 18:00 (Местное время)
Организатор New Zealand Pool Association
Контакты Jimmy Henry (themoneyball8910@gmail.com)
Рейтинги Predator New Zealand 8 Ball Tour
Формат Группы (3 Участники)
До 4
Фора Без форы
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This Tournament has a guaranteed $1000.00 first prize.

Welcome to the 2025 Predator New Zealand - Auckland Open 8 Ball Tour. Play takes place over the weekend of Saturday March 29th and Sunday March 30th at Masse Pukekohe.

Section play will be held on Saturday and will be a race to 4 (may change depending on entry numbers). Knockout play will be held on Sunday.

Entries will be accepted via Cue Score and will close on Thursday 27th at 6pm. Entry is $50. Annual membership dues will be required to have been paid for this tournament and can be paid with your entry fee on CueScore. The annual NZPA membership for seniors in 2024 is $20, and $10 for juniors.

Powered by Predator, the Auckland Open leg of the 2025 Predator New Zealand 8 Ball Tour will be played using Predator Arcos II billiard balls.

All players will be competing for ranking points that will be used to select a team whenever NZPA is offered entries into international and World Championship events.

This Tournament has a guaranteed $1000.00 first prize.

Thank you to Masse for sponsoring the venue for the weekend.


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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