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5. syyskuuta - 3. syyskuuta 2025

4th edition OnePocket.org member tournament


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New players will be added to your members section.

Alkaa 5.9.2025 klo 11.00 Päättyy 3.9.2025 (paikallista aikaa)
Rekisteröityminen alkaa 23.2.2025 klo 16.00 (paikallista aikaa)
Ilmoittauduttava viimeistään 4.9.2025 klo 23.59 (paikallista aikaa)
Järjestäjä Hague 5
Yhteystiedot Espen Falkenhaug
Rankinglistat OnePocket .Org
Formaatti Tuplaeliminaatio + cup (9 Osallistujat)
Voittomäärä 3
Tasoitus Ei tasoituksia
We are working with a 64-schedule , from here on its first pay first serve basis a.k.a. Law of the Jungle

Pay, you play!

On Friday and partly Saturday, all 14 tables will be in use. 1 table has tight pockets disclaimer: some tables are deemed gaffy >>> be a real one-pocketeer and use it to your advantage

We are 1p-players, we are flexible. it is difficult to schedule matches, it can be 25 minutes, it can be 3 hours or more. We cannot foresee what exact time the next match on a specific table will be played, but with WhatsApp and cuescore updates communication will be pretty smooth.
play starts at 11:00 on Friday, 10:00 on Saturday, and Sunday TBD depending on the progress of the tournament we will start the last rounds on Friday,Saturday no later than 23:00

A no-show or cancellation means your 60eu will be regarded a contribution to the greater cause
DKO until last 8 (NO REFUNDS)

We will try to finish as much play on Friday and Saturday, obviously, with tables opening up as the tournament progresses. Players can match up individually, but we will also have the opportunity to organise a 1-ball 1p, or a Banks tournament on the side.

Law of the Jungle: We want to accommodate as much action/involvement/play as possible. so, a multi-player mini-tournament is preferred over 2-man action matching up: short races over by-the-game and cheap, mo money over chump change Consider Hague 5 1p >>> best of 5, first 4 games, each player needing 5 balls

hill-hill >>> 5ball - 1p (5 balls on spot and below in a string)
Everyone is flexible and ready to contribute to a smooth tournament with a good vibe
race to 3; it is to the tournament directors' discretion to decide if races can be extended for SF and F
Ball on break >>> rerack
Object ball touching the kitchen-line is out of play (in the kitchen)
DCC-ruling regarding OB and CB when (almost) touching: cue elevated more than 45 degrees, no foul. If in doubt, call the tournament director. If no third party watches the shot, it is between the players with an advantage to the shooter.
Option to film the shot as well and have the tournament director decide.
3 consecutive fouls loss of game
Grady's rule 1: no more than 4 balls in the kitchen. when 5 or more balls in kitchen, ball(s) closest to headstring get respotted

Hague5 t-shirts for sale, not part of tournament package
Everyone is flexible and ready to contribute to a smooth tournament with a good vibe
Hague5 has decided to be open just for us, no outsiders etc are allowed in... Wow

OrangeForks Productions will stream the centercourt table during the tournament, if you feel like you can make a contribution in regard to commentary, please make it known.

The Pool room opens Friday at 10:00
No dress code

Payment details; €60,- Payment and Signup through Cuescore!!!
All payment options are available! (NO REFUNDS POSSIBLE)


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

Arvontaa ei ole suoritettu vielä.


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