Купувачка кошничка

Треба да се најавите за проследување на оваа акција

Hayleigh Marion

United States


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18 мај - 21 мај 2023
Pro Billiard Series
33rd / 58
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18 ноември - 21 ноември 2022
Pro Billiard Series
17th / 24
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15 ноември - 18 ноември 2022
Pro Billiard Series
49th / 64
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21 септември - 24 септември 2022
Pro Billiard Series
49th / 64
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18 септември - 19 септември 2021
Junior International Championships
17th / 32

Статистика на турнирот

Wins overall

All matches
14 / 46
183 / 412
14 / 40
181 / 398
0 / 6
2 / 14

Нешто кратко за мене:

I first began playing pool by chance in 2015. I used to go with my father down to the local pool hall and would watch him play. Eventually the owner, and WPBA Professional Janet Atwell, convinced me to pick up a stick and try my luck.
Janet’s help offered me a competitive and unique perspective on the game.
She brought me in to compete in her league, and eventually surprised me with my first pool stick. Since then I have grown in the game and my love for the game has grown to. I’ve gotten the sponsorships by J. Pechauer custom cues, Borderline Billiards, Brutal Game Gear, Outsville Pool and Billiards, and Thomas Van Eck. My goals set for myself this year is to attend as many tournaments junior and adult as I possibly can. I would also, like to win more than half the tournaments I attend. I take each opportunity as a learning experience to help with the next tournament. I would also, like to manage my time with pool and my education. My long term goal is to one day play in Worlds to represent the USA and play for the WPBA.

Омилена дисциплина

My favorite discipline and passion is practicing, competing and playing pool.

Омилен играч

Janet Atwell