21 luglio - 23 luglio 2023
McGoldrick's Tournaments
49th / 96 |
28 maggio - 29 maggio 2022
33rd / 55 |
29 gennaio 2022
17th / 50 |
5 giugno - 6 giugno 2021
2nd / 108 |
1 maggio - 2 maggio 2021
33rd / 128 |
All matches |
24 / 46
257 / 509
10-Ball |
5 / 11
70 / 136
9-Ball |
6 / 15
80 / 171
8-Ball |
13 / 20
107 / 202
Del "The Highlander" Sim
Born: February 7th 1982
Birthplace: Scotland
Resides: Brooklyn, New York
Sponsors: HOW Tips, Andy Cloth, Breakout Apparel, Hsunami Cues, Myth Leather cases, The Traveling Mind (Sports Psychology)
Playing Cue: RJH Custom Highlander with Hsunami 12.5mm Keilwood shaft and HOW Medium Playing tip
Break Cue: Jacoby Blackout Carbon
Jump Cue: IQ Cues Custom 3 piece
Facebook: www.facebook.com/derek.sim.754
About Del:
At the mere age of six, Sim began his journey as a respected player by competing on local adult leagues in English Eight Ball, and gained recognition by snooker world champion Peter Ebdon as a naturally-gifted talent. Sim’s father was his inspiration, and it was through him that he began playing on their home pool table at the age of two, by standing on an old beer crate his father had.
In 2012, Sim concluded that he had taken his career in English pool as far as he could, and decided to transfer to the American pool formats, which have been his ongoing focus to the present time. It was in 2012 that Sim joined a local club called “Demons” in Hounslow, London where he was mentored by house pro Raj Hundal. Hundal taught him the disciplines and principles of the games
In life, there are very few things tougher than competing against yourself and others in a game of skill, strategy, and precision. Pool is a game that can do all of that. It encompasses physics, emotion and the passion to express your ability. I look at pool the same way an artist looks at a blank canvas, I paint my picture on the table the way I want to, and my personality reflects in my game with entertaining and exciting pool.
Quote from Del about Hsunami shafts:
“I started playing American pool back in 2012 and I tried a lot of other products before coming to Hsunami Keilwood and I'm truly happy I did because it suits the style of my game. The shafts are super low deflection with the solid maple design and superior customization options which allow me to use side spin (English) in open play and not worry about high deflection.”
2010 - Team Scotland - European 8 ball Championship
2012 - Predator open 10 ball New York - 3rd place
2012 - Florida State Open in Tallahassee - 5th place
2012 - Space City Open in Houston - 8th place
T9B - 2013 Runner-up UK Open 10-ball
T9B - 2014 Captain for England B at Nations cup placing 2nd
T9B - 2014 runner-up the Nations cup singles
T9B - 2015 - Runner-up UK Open 9 ball
2015-2016 - London tour champion: Number 1 ranked
2016 - New York Tri state - 1st place
2016 - New York - ChalkySticks 8 ball Classic - 1st place
2017 - Turning Stone - 17th place
2017 - World 14.1 Champs - 5th Place
Goals in pool:
My main goal in pool is to fulfil my true potential on an international stage playing to the natural ability I believe I was born with. To get there I will be developing all aspects of my game in the states learning from renowned pros about the key areas of the game like breaking, safety play, Kicking/jumping and key strategy.