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23. maaliskuuta 2025

The Sportsman Amateur Series - Event 1

International Rules

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Alkaa 23.3.2025 klo 9.30 (paikallista aikaa)
Järjestäjä The Sportsman Boston
Yhteystiedot Matthew Povey (matthewjpovey@gmail.com)
Formaatti Tuplaeliminaatio + cup (46 Osallistujat)
Voittomäärä 6
Tasoitus Ei tasoituksia
Event 1 of the Sportsman Amateur Series. Played to International Rules.
All matches are Race to 6. Double Elimination to Last 16.
Players are off a handicap from -1, scr or +1.
Players will be reviewed after events 2 and 4 on their handicaps.
Players receive ranking points each event. Only the Grand Final is seeded.
Prize pay out for Events 1-5
Winner - £450
R/up - £250
Semis x 2 - £150
Quarters x 4 - £90
L16 x 8 - £40


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