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29 augusti 2019

Ralf Souquet "Golden Ticket" Master Class


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Startar 29 aug. 2019 17:30 (Lokal tid)
Sista anmälan 28 aug. 2019 23:59 (Lokal tid)
Organisatör Oslo BK
Kontakt Per Hagen (, +4792354400)
Format (17 Deltagare)
Handicap Ej handicap
Mer information
On Thursday the 29th of August at 17:30, Ralf will host an one hour master class. Here you get to know how Ralfs life as one of the very best since 1981 has been, training tips and more..

You need a "golden ticket" and it´s given by first come - first served principle. Open to all, not only players in Oslo Open. Sign up is binding due to a restricted number of available spots.

Price is €50 / 500 NOK and is paid at the venue upon arrival.

The class will be held in a secluded area of our pool hall.

This hall of famer has over 500 titles and some of them are:

European champion 34 times
German Champion 41 times
Eurotour winner 23 times
WPA World Eight-ball Championship (2008)
World Pool Masters (1994, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2006, 2011)
World Cup of Pool (2011)
WPA World Nine-ball Championship (1996)
US Open Nine-ball Championship (2002)
International Challenge of Champions (1996)
US Open 14.1 Championship (2000)
BCA Open Nine-ball Championship (2003, 2006)
All-Japan Pool Championship (2004)
Derby City Nine-ball Classic (2004, 2006, 2008)


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