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10 lutego 2021

LDM XT FIVES - Registration

XT Rules

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Rozpoczęcie 10 lut 2021, 13:34 (czas lokalny)
Zapisy do 17 lut 2021, 23:30 (czas lokalny)
Organizator Lewis Digital Media
Kontakt Kelley Lewis (kelley@lewisdigital.media)
Format Drabinka pojedynczej przegranej (1KO) (35 Uczestnicy)
Mecz do 1
Handicap Bez handicapu
Więcej informacji
LDM XT Fives Shootout

5 Player Team Shootout - Social Event

Rules: LDM XT Rules
Teams: 8 Teams of 5 Players

Free to Enter - Prizes to be announced

All players entered will be given a rating, the tournament host will automate team selection to be as balanced as possible and appoint captains. Facebook Messenger Groups will be created for each team to discuss tactics and organise, Zoom Link will be posted here for quick access.

Players from Teams due on will join the Tournament Host on Zoom and all matches/frames will be Live Streamed on LDM TV from 14:00

4 First Round Matches
2 Semi Finals
1 Final

Each Team will take it in turns to nominate a Player, both players play 1 frame of LDM XT Rules in a shootout, loser is eliminated. The first team to lose all of their players is Knocked Out, the winning team goes through to the next round. In each round you must pick a different player i.e. you cant have 1 player play against all the opponents.

Captains will do select a hand and winner decides if they are 'In', Team 'In' must nominate a player first.

Captain of Team 'In' selects a player, Captain of Team 2 selects a player to pit against Team 1's selection. The selection process alternates each frame. Giving teams the option of who to put forward knowing who their opponent is will be tough, get it right and your team can be victorious.

DO NOT ENTER - If you cannot be available all day from 13:30

Places are limited to 40 - If more than 40 register, we will select the 40 from the stream contributors & most active players from Lockdown on LDM XT Competitions.


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