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1 мај - 3 мај 2020



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Започнува 1.5.2020, во 10:00 Додека 3.5.2020 (локално време)
Последен термин за пријава 29.4.2020, во 17:00 (локално време)
Организатор Svenska Biljardförbundet
Контакт Marcus Chamat (mchamat@yahoo.se) и Gabriel Azar (Gabrielazar_7@hotmail.com)
Format Double to Single elimination (50 Учесници)
Игра до 11
Хендикеп Со хендикеп
Код на облекување DRESS CODE C:
Mr: The top must be a collared shirt or piké, in any color, which remains
tucked into the waist. The garment should be completely clean and have some kind of sleeve. As
skirt is worn whole and clean suit pants in any color. The choice of shoes should fall into the category
fine shoes and fit into the other upholstery. A sports shoe with darker upper in leather or
Leather-like material is approved if the competition leader approves it.
Ladies: As a top, a shirt, stylish top, blouse, pique or dress is allowed. Like a skirt
Wear full and clean suit pants in any color. Skirts are allowed on the condition of knees or more
covered. The choice of shoes should fall into the category of fine shoes and fit into the other clothing
sports shoes with darker upper in leather or leather-like material are approved if not
the contest leader comes up with objections.
Повеќе информации
Official Hotel:Scandic Opplandia
The booking code is as follows for your occasion 30/4-3 /5 = BINT300420
Booked easiest through the web or directly to the reception.

Single / 890kr, night
Double / 1090kr / night
Double / extra bed / 1290kr, night

Interpool Open
9-ball Race to 11 with hcp
Winner break
Entry is 800kr
Max 256 Players


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