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19 tetor 2024

Heyball 9ball shoot out - BPL side event


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Fillon 19 tet 2024, 7:00 e pasdites (Koha lokale)
Afati i hyrjes(Regjistrimit) 19 tet 2024, 7:00 e pasdites (Koha lokale)
Organizatori Pool Projects
Kontakti Gintaras Petrovas (gintaras.petrovas@gmail.com, +37065533083)
Format Eleminimi i vetëm (0 Pjesmarresit)
Gara deri ne : 1
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Me shum informata
Heyball 9ball shoot out competition

When: Saturday evening at 19:00ish or when the first day matches are over or slightly over

What: shoot out is a fun game on a pool table but on a JOY table it will be even funnier. Single knock out, 1 rack to win, all 9 ball rules applied.

Entry fee: 10€

Buy back (re-buy): 20€. Only possible from last 8. Only possible 1 time per player.

Aukcion: it will be aukcion where we will sell semi finalists at the semifinal stage.

Prize fund: a little bit for table maintenance, the rest for the winner.


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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