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2 nëntor - 3 nëntor 2024

Black Sea Cup 2024


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Fillon 2 nën 2024, 10:00 e paradites Derisa 3 nën 2024 (Koha lokale)
Kontakti Babken Melkonyan (babken@blackseacup.ro)
Format Double to Single elimination (4 Pjesmarresit)
Gara deri ne : 9
Hendikep Pa hendikep
Kodi i veshjes Long trousers of any colour (No jeans), shirt or polo shirt, shoes elegant or casual (No sport shoes)
Me shum informata
Black Sea Cup 2024
Dates: 2-3 November
Venue: City Billiards, Constanta, Romania
Format: 128 Double KO; Last 16 single KO,first day all the matches race to 8, and second day race to 9.
Break from inside the box
Dresscode: long trousers of any colour (No jeans), shirt or polo shirt, shoes elegant or casual (No sport shoes)
Entry fee: 50€, ladies & juniors 30 €
Registration deadline and the draw - Friday 20:00 pm
Matches starts Saturday 2 Nov at 10:00 am

Pize-money 11600 RON (~2300€)
1 - 3000
2 - 1500
3-4 - 800 (x2)
5-8 - 500 (x4)
9-16 - 350 (x8)

Best classified lady 350
Best classified junior 350


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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