22 de abril de 2023
147 Sports Swindon
33rd / 64 |
30 de julho de 2022
Welsh Pool Association
5th / 16 |
20 de outubro de - 21 de outubro de 2018
International Professional Pool Association
5th / 16 |
20 de outubro de - 21 de outubro de 2018
International Professional Pool Association
5th / 8 |
4 de agosto de - 5 de agosto de 2018
International Professional Pool Association
13th / 16 |
All matches |
6 / 20
76 / 169
Blackball |
6 / 20
76 / 169
I have played for Wiltshire County for 20 years now and we are currently national champions. I played for England from 2002 - 2011 for both A and B teams which i was fortunate enough to win with both.