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Thijs Kuiken

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands

Další zápas


26. 2. 2025
26. 2. 2025
26. 2. 2025
7. 12. 2024
7. 12. 2024
7. 12. 2024
7. 12. 2024


Organization logoFlag
7. prosince 2024
Westend Snooker
5th / 21
Organization logoFlag
29. září 2024
Poollokaal De Gracht
17th / 32
Organization logoFlag
17. ledna 2024
Poollokaal De Gracht
5th / 30
Organization logoFlag
29. listopadu 2023
Poollokaal De Gracht
9th / 22
Organization logoFlag
1. listopadu 2023
Poollokaal De Gracht
9th / 19

Turnajové statistiky

Wins overall

All matches
36 / 77
164 / 342
3 / 6
15 / 39
17 / 39
81 / 165
16 / 32
68 / 138

Něco málo o mně ..

I play saxophone, guitar, do some windsurfing, surfing the internet as well.. read books, listen to music, go to museums, download tons of music, series, movies, porn .. ah, the usual ;-) I'm a sucker for spicy food but Vindaloo is way too spicy for me.
I love to be at the pool table and can keep myself busy playing pool for hours with ease.
I like to have a good time as much as anyone else playing this beautiful game though when playing against someone, I perhaps have too much of a competitive spirit to truly relax and have a good time when playing. I love winning and hate losing but I do try to be a good sport about it if I lose and always appreciate guys (and girls) who are competitive but at the end are able to shake hands and keep a positive vibe regardless of a win/loss.
10 ball is the game I love watching (and playing) the most and I'm beginning to appreciate straight more and more.
for the rest.. wow.. you read it all up to here?!?
Well.. there is more I can and want to tell you... but you're probably nauseous from this superfluous amount of info and probably feel inclined to say.. nooooo stop it right there.. in which case I would like to end this " a little something about me" section, by using a quote from a famous Austrian poet who's name slipped my mind... anyway, he had the uncanny ability to convey the highly variable components of complex emotions in a one liner really.. the poem goes like this:
" Fuck you asshole"
ah! I remember.. It's Schwarzenneggerr and I totally lost track of the amount of nn's an gg's in his name. The poem is taken from his bundle of poems called " To the choppaaaah!" should you feel inspired to do some further reading. My 2nd favorite poem of his is... " GET DOWN!" which I jokingly said to a prostitude once I was inside her working place... you know.. to sort of break the ice a bit.. but there she was .... all the way from Thailand.. standing there.. not amused .. and with a voice of Barry White she was saying suck my d... Whaaat??

Oblíbená disciplína

I'm lacking discipline

Oblíbený hráč

nineties strickland