20. října - 21. října 2018
International Professional Pool Association
999th / 111 |
19. října - 21. října 2018
International Professional Pool Association
17th / 24 |
4. srpna - 5. srpna 2018
International Professional Pool Association
129th / 143 |
3. srpna 2018
International Professional Pool Association
25th / 32 |
17. března - 18. března 2018
International Professional Pool Association
999th / 107 |
11. května - 13. května 2018
International Professional Pool Association
135 |
11. května 2018
International Professional Pool Association
26 |
All matches |
2 / 9
27 / 73
Blackball |
2 / 9
27 / 73
I started playing snooker when I was nine and moved on to pool when I was 16. Played local pub league and progressed on to representing Sussex County in world rules.
Moved on to play in the Eastbourne and District Pool League and started playing Blackball rules.
Currently represent Sussex County B team at Blackball rules and looking forward to the 2018 IPA tour which will be my first.