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July 7, 2020

Huistoernooi 9 ball


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#NameMatches (won/lost)Frames (won/lost)Win percentage
1 Netherlands Wijnand Sloos
7 (6/1) 46 (28/18)
2 Belgium Kenny Liessens
7 (6/1) 33 (28/5)
3 Netherlands Marcel Mouwen
6 (4/2) 38 (24/14)
3 Netherlands Dennis Romain
6 (4/2) 44 (25/19)
5 Netherlands Joey van Gils
Ludvika Biljardklubb
5 (4/1) 42 (23/19)
5 Netherlands Ben Pieterse
5 (3/2) 32 (16/16)
5 Netherlands Erik Dieleman
5 (2/3) 32 (15/17)
5 Netherlands Peter Kwant
5 (2/3) 36 (17/19)
9 Vietnam Duoc Nguyen
4 (2/2) 28 (14/14)
10 Netherlands Vincent Peemen
Sport Pub Goes
4 (1/3) 31 (13/18)
10 Netherlands Faroek Mangroe
4 (1/3) 25 (8/17)
10 Netherlands Dennis Koot
4 (1/3) 28 (13/15)
13 Netherlands Phuoc Nguyen
4 (0/4) 32 (12/20)
13 Netherlands Danny Zwegers
4 (1/3) 31 (13/18)
13 Netherlands Arno Meuwese
4 (0/4) 20 (0/20)
Starts Jul 7, 2020, 7:30 PM (local time)
Organizer Sport Pub Goes
Contact Vincent Peemen (, +31113211843)
Format Round robin (15 Participants)
Race to 5
Handicap No handicap
More info
Vanavond 19:30
Huistoernooi 9 Ball
Iedereen welkom, gelieve even door te geven
Deelname kost € 5,00
Beginners krijgen beetje voorsprong
Poutjes met kruisfinales

Round-robin standings

Group A Ranking method
Pos Name Played Win Tie Lose ws ls sd RO Lags Bonus avg Pts
1 Kenny Liessens 4 4 0 0 20 2 18 1 0 0 0.909 4
2 Ben Pieterse 4 3 0 1 16 12 4 0 0 0 0.571 3
3 Duoc Nguyen 4 2 0 2 14 14 0 3 0 0 0.5 2
4 Dennis Koot 4 1 0 3 13 15 -2 0 0 0 0.464 1
5 Arno Meuwese 4 0 0 4 0 20 -20 0 0 0 0 0
Group B Ranking method
Pos Name Played Win Tie Lose ws ls sd RO Lags Bonus avg Pts
1 Joey van Gils 4 4 0 0 20 15 5 0 0 0 0.571 4
2 Wijnand Sloos 4 3 0 1 19 13 6 0 0 0 0.594 3
3 Peter Kwant 4 2 0 2 17 15 2 0 0 0 0.531 2
4 Vincent Peemen 4 1 0 3 13 18 -5 0 0 0 0.419 1
5 Phuoc Nguyen 4 0 0 4 12 20 -8 0 0 0 0.375 0
Group C Ranking method
Pos Name Played Win Tie Lose ws ls sd RO Lags Bonus avg Pts
1 Marcel Mouwen 4 3 0 1 18 9 9 1 0 0 0.667 3
2 Dennis Romain 4 3 0 1 19 15 4 1 0 0 0.559 3
3 Erik Dieleman 4 2 0 2 14 13 1 0 0 0 0.519 2
4 Faroek Mangroe 4 1 0 3 8 17 -9 0 0 0 0.32 1
5 Danny Zwegers 4 1 0 3 13 18 -5 0 0 0 0.419 1


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