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May 14 - May 15, 2022

9 Ball Open FIERI PoolBar

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Starts May 14, 2022, 10:30 AM Until May 15, 2022 (local time)
Organizer Bilardo Apollonia
Format Double to Single elimination (37 Participants)
Race to 7
Handicap No handicap
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Open Fieri zhvillohet per nder te 1-vjetorit e salles PoolBar Fier.
Kampjonati fillon ne date 14 Maj ora 11:00. Shorti hidhet ne 10:45.
Pjesemarrja eshte e hapur per te gjithe te apasionuarit e bilardos.
Hyrja ne kampionat:
A+:40 €
B: 30 €
Cmime te garantuara nga vendi i pare deri ne vend te 8.
Jeni te mirepritur:


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