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23 novembre - 9 novembre 2024

North West Grand Masters Trials 2024/2025


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Démarrage du tournoi 23 nov. 2024, 09:00 à 9 nov. 2024 (heure local)
Inscription ouverte à partir du 9 nov. 2024, 00:00 (heure local)
Date limite d'inscription 9 nov. 2024, 00:00 (heure local)
Organisateur North West
Classements North West Cue Sport ranking
Format Poules (3 Participants)
Premier à 3
Handicap Sans handicap
Code vestimentaire * Long Formal - Any colour pants - No Jeans
* Collard Shirt, socks and leather or plain black shoes/tekkies/sneakers or casual shoes. As long as it is completely black - No Colour.
* If you have to wear specific shoes or you have any medical condition with special needs, A letter from your doctor needs to be submitted prior to the start of the event - Handed in at Head Referee.

Déroulement du tournoi

BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

Le tirage n'a pas encore eu lieu.