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3 август - 4 август 2024

INTERNATIONAL Varna 9-ball Open


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Започнува 3.8.2024, во 10:00 Додека 4.8.2024 (локално време)
Организатор National Federation of Billiard
Format Double to Single elimination (30 Учесници)
Игра до 8
Хендикеп Без хендикеп
Код на облекување Collared T-shirt, formal trousers, formal shoes or black sport shoes with no other colors on them.
Повеќе информации
Please fill in the form for registration:
Date: 03-04.08.2024
Location (two venues): Bulgaria, Varna
- Club Django Billiards & Games (adress: https://maps.app.goo.gl/CzziKo1DU7MhE7Vh9 )
- Zero Zero Billiard & Bar (adress: https://maps.app.goo.gl/BwRUHR26XnkLmxiD7 )

Discipline: 9 ball; Alternаting Break; 9 ball on the spot; 3 point break rule;
Double (race to 8) to single elimination (race to 9); Final - race to 10

Entry Fee:
Ranк A: 100 EUR
Ranк B: 80 EUR
Juniors: 60 EUR
Prizes: 10 000 EUR (with at least 128 registered players) + Medals and cups for the best players
*8000 EUR with 96 registered players
*6000 EUR with 64 registered players

For any additional information please contact us on nationalfederationbilliard@gmail.com


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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