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3 août - 4 août 2024

INTERNATIONAL Varna 9-ball Open

Jeu de la 9

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Démarrage du tournoi 3 août 2024, 10:00 à 4 août 2024 (heure local)
Organisateur National Federation of Billiard
Format De Double K.O à élimination directe (30 Participants)
Premier à 8
Handicap Sans handicap
Code vestimentaire Collared T-shirt, formal trousers, formal shoes or black sport shoes with no other colors on them.
Plus d'infos
Please fill in the form for registration:
Date: 03-04.08.2024
Location (two venues): Bulgaria, Varna
- Club Django Billiards & Games (adress: )
- Zero Zero Billiard & Bar (adress: )

Discipline: 9 ball; Alternаting Break; 9 ball on the spot; 3 point break rule;
Double (race to 8) to single elimination (race to 9); Final - race to 10

Entry Fee:
Ranк A: 100 EUR
Ranк B: 80 EUR
Juniors: 60 EUR
Prizes: 10 000 EUR (with at least 128 registered players) + Medals and cups for the best players
*8000 EUR with 96 registered players
*6000 EUR with 64 registered players

For any additional information please contact us on

Déroulement du tournoi

BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

Le tirage n'a pas encore eu lieu.


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