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26 prill - 27 prill 2025


INSCRIPTIONS DU 03/04/2025 - 20H AU 18/04/2025 - 23H55
INSCRIPTIONS DU 03/04/2025 - 20H AU 18/04/2025 - 23H55

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Fillon 26 pri 2025, 10:00 e paradites Derisa 27 pri 2025 (Koha lokale)
Entry open from 3 pri 2025, 8:00 e pasdites (Koha lokale)
Afati i hyrjes(Regjistrimit) 18 pri 2025, 11:55 e pasdites (Koha lokale)
Organizatori FF Billard
Kontakti Directeur de Jeux (blackball@ffbillard.com)
Renditjet BLACKBALL - TN - CLASSEMENT BBM - 2024 - 2025
Format Eleminimi i vetëm (0 Pjesmarresit)
Gara deri ne : 8
Hendikep Pa hendikep
Kodi i veshjes https://www.blackballffb.com/tenue-sportive
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INSCRIPTIONS DU 03/04/2025 - 20H AU 18/04/2025 - 23H55
INSCRIPTIONS SUR LISTE RESTREINTE : https://cuescore.com/tournament/BB_LISTE+RESTREINTE+BBM+2024-2025/45838072


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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