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13 korrik 2024

AJBT - 9Ball Rookies - 13.07.2024


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Fillon 13 korr 2024, 9:00 e paradites (Koha lokale)
Organizatori AJB Thionville 57 - FTOR
Kontakti Kévin Morelle (kevinmorelle@gmail.com)
Format Rundi robin (11 Pjesmarresit)
Gara deri ne : 4
Hendikep Pa hendikep
Kodi i veshjes Polo of your club requested
Polo ou maillot du club demandé
Me shum informata
ATTENTION: Level max DIV1 - FLAB Pool (approval from Game Director) to maintain coherency with level (ROOKIES / débutants)

When / Quand : Samedi 13 juillet 2024 - Tirage au sort sur place à 8h45, début des matches à 09h
Saturday July 13th 2024 - Draw onsite at 8h45, matchs will start at 09AM

Game type : 9 ball - casse alternée - 3 fautes - No Illegal Break
9 ball - Alternate break - 3 fouls - No Illegal Break

Races/distances : 4 Poules de 5 joueurs (premier à 4) > Quart, Demi et finale (premier à 5)
4 Groups of 5 (race to 4) > Quarter, Semi and Final (race to 5)

Prize / Recompense : 20€ participation => 1st - 50% | 2nd 25% | 3rd & 4th - 12%

Food / Restauration : Sandwich (jambon, fromage, thon, rosette) + snack sur place


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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