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23 sierpnia - 25 sierpnia 2024

8 Ball Superleague NZ - 2024 New Zealand Open

International Rules

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Rozpoczęcie 23 sie 2024, 09:00 Do 25 sie 2024 (czas lokalny)
Entry open from 30 cze 2024, 18:00 (czas lokalny)
Zapisy do 18 sie 2024, 22:00 (czas lokalny)
Organizator New Zealand Pool Promotions
Kontakt Mike Hayes (mike.hayesy@gmail.com)
Format Double to Single elimination (12 Uczestnicy)
Mecz do 8
Handicap Bez handicapu
Ubiór Tidy collared shirt, dress trousers & shoes
Więcej informacji
8Ball Superleague NZ - New Zealand Open
23rd - 25th August 2023, Waikato Commerce Club
Hamilton, New Zealand

International Rules Ranking Event
Double elimination down to final 8 players
Straight knock-out from quarter finals
Race to 8 Winners Side, Race to 7 Losers Side

$120 Entry Fee. Payable via internet banking.
8 Ball Superleague - 06-0821-0967120-00.
Payment must be received to confirm your entry.


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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