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3 mars - 16 mars 2025

2025 CC Women Final - 8-Ball

By signing up for this event, you confirm that you have read and understood the tournament protocol and agree to abide by its provisions, as published at the following link: https://epbfref.link/p/PBS25LV-INV.pdf
By signing up for this event, you confirm that you have read and understood the tournament protocol and agree to abide by its provisions, as published at the following link: https://epbfref.link/p/PBS25LV-INV.pdf

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#EmriNdeshjet - Te fituara - te humburaSeriat (fitoret/humbjet)Perqindja e fitoreve
1 Philippines Rubilen Amit
1 (1/0) 9 (6/3)
2 AIN Kristina Tkach
1 (0/1) 9 (3/6)
Fillon 3 mar 2025, 7:00 e paradites Derisa 16 mar 2025 (Koha lokale)
Organizatori Pro Billiard Series
Kontakti Roman Mirakhmedov (mirakhmedov@gmail.com)
Format Eleminimi i vetëm (2 Pjesmarresit)
Gara deri ne : 6
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