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19 de setembro de - 22 de setembro de 2024

2024 WPA Men’s Heyball World Championship - Final Stage

By signing up to this tournament, you confirm that you have received, read, understood and accepted the tournament protocol, as well as rules, regulations and seeding brackets referenced in it. The event protocol is published at the following address:
By signing up to this tournament, you confirm that you have received, read, understood and accepted the tournament protocol, as well as rules, regulations and seeding brackets referenced in it. The event protocol is published at the following address:

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Início 19 de set. de 2024, 08:00 Até 22 de set. de 2024 (Horário Local)
Organizador World Pool Association
Contato Roman Mirakhmedov (
Formato Eliminatória Simples (0 Participantes)
Quem ganhar 7
Handicap Sem handicap
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2024 WPA Men’s Heyball World Championship - Final Stage


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