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Kellee Odo



Organization logoFlag
25 mars - 1 prill 2023
Blackball Australia Pool Association
9th / 18
Organization logoFlag
25 mars - 1 prill 2023
Blackball Australia Pool Association
33rd / 70
Organization logoFlag
9 tetor - 15 tetor 2022
Blackball International
17th / 32

Statistikat e turneut

Wins overall

All matches
1 / 4
16 / 36
1 / 4
16 / 36

Diqka perreth meje

I've been around the block for years in the political game of 8 Ball in North Queensland as President, Secretary and Registrar at different times and have recently started focusing on my enjoyment of playing cue sports. Anyone that has been involved in governing any association knows that there's not much time or energy left for playing. I've recently found my new love of Blackball, learning last year and have set my goals in sight to travel and play. This new found love of another Cue sport has given my family and friends the opportunity to travel, play and holiday all in one. I have worked alongside others to get as many together as possible to experience Blackball in Geelong and I hope to bring more onboard in 2024. Sam and Mark Cottingham have been the reason why we have been able to travel and I'll continue to support their events!!!

Diciplina e preferuar

Never let anyone get into your mental space on the table because there is more then the physical component to the game that's used to defeat your opponent. Been there done that and it won't be happening again any time soon!!!

Lojtari i preferuar

Ronnie O"Sullivan