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May 19 - October 9, 2020

Z🎱🎱MP🎱🎱L Tournament


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#NameMatches (won/lost)Frames (won/lost)Win percentage
1 South Africa Jason Theron
18 (15/3) 361 (227/134)
2 South Africa Aden Joseph
18 (14/4) 289 (172/117)
3 South Africa Charl Jonck
18 (13/4) 299 (180/119)
4 South Africa Dino Nair
18 (12/5) 281 (169/112)
5 South Africa Wayne Parker
18 (10/6) 294 (161/133)
6 South Africa Craig Bouwer
18 (10/7) 321 (193/128)
7 South Africa Adriaan Engelbrecht
18 (9/6) 302 (172/130)
8 South Africa Amy King
18 (8/6) 243 (123/120)
9 South Africa Carel Kuhn (LP)
18 (9/9) 301 (165/136)
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10 South Africa Ivan Wurz
18 (8/9) 232 (98/134)
11 South Africa Suzette Booyens
18 (8/9) 204 (78/126)
12 South Africa Jacobus Le Roux
18 (8/10) 271 (138/133)
13 South Africa Xander van Tonder
18 (8/10) 247 (120/127)
14 South Africa Johann Fourie
18 (7/9) 218 (104/114)
15 South Africa Hendry Erasmus
18 (6/10) 201 (89/112)
16 South Africa Gerrit Botha.
18 (6/12) 251 (99/152)
17 South Africa LD Swart
18 (4/12) 225 (77/148)
18 South Africa Werner Wessels
18 (2/14) 172 (42/130)
19 South Africa Marnitz Hawkes
18 (2/14) 198 (48/150)
888 South Africa Kyle Jonker
0 (0/0) 0 (0/0)
888 South Africa Adam Nel
0 (0/0) 0 (0/0)
Starts May 19, 2020, 3:38 PM Until Oct 9, 2020 (local time)
Organizer Cerebro 360
Contact Hendry Erasmus (, +27 832804712)
Format League (21 Participants)
Handicap With handicap
More info
All matches on Table 2 will be live streamed on Panda's Cue Sport & Agile Sports Facebook page.
All 210 matches will be recorded and posted on Panda's Cue Sport & Agile Sport Facebook page.

Top 10 Break & Finishes will be posted weekly. Most liked Break & Finish per week will go into the final draw.

4 Fans could join live interaction on LIVE stream matches weekly.

Registration & League
R300 Entry to be paid before 15 May 2020
League Start 26 May and end 4 August 2020 (Round Robin) 11 Weekends : League Matches on Tuesday’s @ 19h30 & 21h00

Equipment & Rules
Require a Zoom device (any iPhone or Android device) or PC acceptable
Handicap system to be used.
Blackball Based Rules (Detailed rules will be sent on WhatsApp Group)
Table : any 7ft or 9 ft tables
ALL MATCHES must be played on ZOOM feed from administrator
ZOOMPOOL league dress code. Sponsored shirt
Qualified Blackball Referee to monitor all matches

Live scoring on all Matches (Cue Score) 1 Match per League night to be live streamed
Complete WhatsApp entry form Headshot photo required
Comp only open to invited players

1st R8000 + Floating Trophy & Medal
2nd R3500 + Medal
3rd R2000 + Medal
4th R1500 + Medal
5th R1000 + Medal

Round-robin standings Ranking method

Pos Name Played Win Tie Lose ws ls sd RO Lags Bonus avg Pts
1 Jason Theron 18 15 0 3 227 134 93 52 0 0 0.629 45
2 Aden Joseph 18 14 0 4 172 117 55 33 0 0 0.595 42
3 Charl Jonck 18 13 1 4 180 119 61 31 0 0 0.602 40
4 Dino Nair 18 12 1 5 169 112 57 22 0 0 0.601 37
5 Wayne Parker 18 10 2 6 161 133 28 26 0 0 0.548 32
6 Craig Bouwer 18 10 1 7 193 128 65 36 0 0 0.601 31
7 Adriaan Engelbrecht 18 9 3 6 172 130 42 23 0 0 0.57 30
8 Amy King 18 8 4 6 123 120 3 8 0 0 0.506 28
9 Carel Kuhn (LP) 18 9 0 9 165 136 29 10 0 0 0.548 27
10 Ivan Wurz 18 8 1 9 98 134 -36 6 0 0 0.422 25
11 Suzette Booyens 18 8 1 9 78 126 -48 1 0 0 0.382 25
12 Jacobus Le Roux 18 8 0 10 138 133 5 17 0 0 0.509 24
13 Xander van Tonder 18 8 0 10 120 127 -7 7 0 0 0.486 24
14 Johann Fourie 18 7 2 9 104 114 -10 11 0 0 0.477 23
15 Hendry Erasmus 18 6 2 10 89 112 -23 3 0 0 0.443 20
16 Gerrit Botha. 18 6 0 12 99 152 -53 6 0 0 0.394 18
17 LD Swart 18 4 2 12 77 148 -71 7 0 0 0.342 14
18 Werner Wessels 18 2 2 14 42 130 -88 2 0 0 0.244 8
19 Marnitz Hawkes 18 2 2 14 48 150 -102 1 0 0 0.242 8
20 Kyle Jonker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
21 Adam Nel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


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