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January 29 - June 15, 2025

Unique 14.1 Gruppe 2


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Starts Jan 29, 2025, 12:00 AM Until Jun 15, 2025 (local time)
Entry open from Jan 27, 2025, 3:20 PM (local time)
Entry deadline Jan 28, 2025, 11:59 PM (local time)
Organizer Unique BK
Contact BArild Sørum (, 93063873), Robin Nathan (, Lasse Kåring (, 94257344), Aria Senemar and Simen Jøndal
Format Round robin (14 Participants)
Race to 100
Handicap With handicap
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Distanse 100
NB! Dersom to divisjon2-spillere møtes, kan de bli enige om å spille til 50

Premier: Topp 3 i sluttspillet
Ekstrapremie for høye serier: Elite 100 kuler. Divisjon1 75 kuler. Divisjon2 30 kuler. Øvrige 25 kuler

Round-robin standings

Group A Ranking method
Pos Name Played Win Tie Lose b hb ings avg Pts
1 BArild Sørum 7 7 0 0 700 19 175 4.000 7
2 Lasse Kåring 6 6 0 0 600 20 187 3.209 6
3 Ola Magnus Johnsen 5 4 0 1 497 23 124 4.008 4
4 Kent Hansen 7 4 0 3 679 27 211 3.218 4
5 Hamad Malik 5 3 0 2 471 12 237 1.987 3
6 Joshua Tuppal 7 2 0 5 582 15 273 2.132 2
7 Ahad Rashid 5 1 0 4 365 9 168 2.173 1
8 James Acker 6 1 0 5 352 7 192 1.833 1
9 Hamza Malik 1 1 0 0 100 12 47 2.128 1
10 Tommy Bratseth 4 0 0 4 199 5 129 1.543 0
11 Per Kristian Hoff 3 0 0 3 161 9 93 1.731 0
12 Leoncio Jr Licarte 2 0 0 2 133 8 63 2.111 0
13 Tron Vidar Engebakk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 Silja Vepsä 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


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