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21. ožujka. - 23. ožujka 2025.

Westmeath Pool Championship 2025

International Rules

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Počinje 21. ožu 2025. 18:00 Do 23. ožu 2025. (Lokalno vrijeme)
Organizator Westmeath Pool Association
Kontakt Rob Malynn (robmalynn@yahoo.ie, 0863769452)
Format Jedna eliminacija (25 Natjectelji)
Do 3
Hendikep Bez hendikepa
Više informacija
€30 Entry. Enter by Sunday, 9th March.
This a Knockout tournament with Sets.
All Matches are Best of 3 sets. Each set in the early rounds are Best of 5 frames.
L16-SF Sets are best of 7 and the final, each set is Best of 9.
The Premier Top 12 and Intermediate Top 4 will be seeded for this tournament.


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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