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2. august 2020

Sutton Pool Tour 4


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Start 2. aug. 2020, 14.00 (lokal tid)
Arrangør Lewis Digital Media
Ranglister Sutton Pool Tour - Rankings (2020)
Format Single Knock Out (15 Deltagere)
Race to 2
Handicap Ingen handicap
Mere info
Straight KO
2pm Start
£5 Entry
Max 32
All Money Paid Out (new payout format if 32 Entrants)
Winner £70
Runner Up £40
Semi £15 x
Quarter Final £5 x4

Last 32/16 - Best of 3
Last 8/Last 4 - Best of 5
Final - Best of 7

2 Supreme Winner Table's (1 LIVE Stream Table)

First round will have times allocation so please check draw for more information. *Elite players handicapped*

Ranking points system! Trophy for player top of the Ranking Points after 6 events.


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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