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23 février - 24 février 2019

PETRICH - MASTERS - 2019 - 9-ball

Jeu de la 9

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Démarrage du tournoi 23 févr. 2019, 09:00 à 24 févr. 2019 (heure local)
Contacter Georgi Bozhkov (, 00359879557554)
Format Poules (52 Participants)
Premier à 7
Handicap Sans handicap
Plus d'infos
Petrich Masters 2019 – 9-ball 23/24/02.2019
Top 16 Bulgarian Players
8 quota – Bulgarian National Billiard Federation
8 quota - Sports Club Bo&Bo
16 – players - from other countries
16 – free spot
Total 64 players. Entry Fee – 70 euro including 2 nights in Hotel Bulgaria / Friday and Saturday or Saturday and Sunday /. The rooms can be double and triple , for single room you have to pay 10 euro more per night. There is also a free lunch for Saturday and Sunday. 10 tables Live Stream in
In groups stage, race to 7. Last 32 - race to 8, last 16 - race to 9, Final – race to 11.
Prize Money: 2100 euro
1 place – 700 euro
2 place – 500 euro
3 place (2) – 250 euro
5 place (4) – 100 euro
The tournament will be held in groups of 4 players.
Open Ceremony is Saturday at 09:00
Max 16 groups.
8 groups play Saturday at 9:30, the other 8 Saturday at 15:30.
2 Players from each group are eligible for direct elimination.
Direct elimination is 32 players.
Registration - until 08.02.2019

Déroulement du tournoi

BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

Le tirage n'a pas encore eu lieu.


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