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16 marca - 4 marca 2025

NWPA Men’s Series Event 1

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Rozpoczęcie 16 mar 2025, 10:00 Do 4 mar 2025 (czas lokalny)
Organizator NWPA
Kontakt Ian Rees (badgerrees@gmail.com)
Format Double to Single elimination (0 Uczestnicy)
Mecz do 5
Handicap Bez handicapu
Ubiór Trousers, shoes and collared/pool shirt.

No joggers, jeans, shorts, trainers or sliders
Więcej informacji
North Wales Pool Association Men’s Series Event 1. Double elimination to quarter finals then straight knockout.

Dress code: Trousers, shoes, collared or pool shirt. No trainers, sliders, joggers, shorts or jeans


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