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Az oldal megosztása

. november 9. - 2024. november 10.

Mezz Cues Baltic Pool League - Grand Finale (SENIORS)


Játékos hozzáadása

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Játékos létrehozása

Kérlek várj...

New players will be added to your members section.

Kezdési időpont 2024. nov. 9. 9:00 amíg 2024. nov. 10. (Helyi idő)
Nevezési határidő 2024. nov. 8. 15:00 (Helyi idő)
Szervező Pool Projects
Elérhetőség Gintaras Petrovas (, +37065533083)
Formátum Dupla KO + Egyenes ág (3 Résztvevő)
Nyert frame szám 9
Handicap Nincs handicap
Friday 8th November

Arrival date


16:00 - Mini

16:00 - PRO

Saturday 9th November

Open, women, seniors start


09:00 – start of the matches


12:30 – Opening


13:30 – Continue of matches


18:00 – Shoot out

Sunday 10th November

Open, women, seniors single knock out


09:00 – continue of the matches


16:30 – Final


17:30 - Award ceremony

GRAND FINAL limitations: 

OPEN – 48
WOMEN - 12
Tournament regulations:

Dress code

Qualifying rounds: The dress code is nice and tidy pants or jeans in one color, polo shirt or long sleeved shirt with collar. No untidy clothing is allowed.

Play offs: Dress code B.

The head referee reserves the right to decide on the clothing. Additionally, the organizers reserve the right to make exceptions on clothing based on the circumstances, e.g. sweater for cold pool hall, short smart pants for very hot weather etc. All the exceptions will be announced no later than 2 days prior to start of the matches.

Time out

Time out can be taken at any time in a match in between the racks. Time out cannot be more than 5 minutes and no smoking and drinking alcohol during time out is allowed. Time out can be taken by any player.

Alcohol, smoking, snuff, chewing tobaco or any other drugs

It is not allowed to use any of these drugs during the match. It is not allowed to use alcohol during whole tournament day. As time out is part of the match it is not allowed to use any of these during time out.

Mobile phones, smart watches

It is not allowed to use mobile phones or smart watches during the matches, unless smart watch is on flight mode. If such a situation occurs, participant will get a warning at first occasion and at 2nd - penalty is 1 rack to opponent.

Unsportsmanlike behavior

Unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated and will be evaluated by the head referee and penalized accordingly to the WPA tournament regulations.

Protest against referee decision

There might be some situations where athlete will not agree with referees decision. In these circumstances protest can be given by an athlete in writing no later than 3 days since the situation happened and 100 Eur paid at the front desk as a protest analyze fee. If after investigation protest is valid to athlete side, fee is returned and valid actions to be taken. In case the athletes protest is not satisfied the 100 Eur fee will not be returned to the athlete.

Tournament page and setup system

Tournament will be running in and all tables for main event will have tablets for live scoring and result entering. Players will need to update their scores on the tablets and at the end FINISH the match by pressing the button.

Late cancellations

Participant has to pay an entry fee if on the day of the tournament or after draw they cancel their participation.

30 minutes before the match

Each participant has to be 30 minutes before the match is scheduled as ther might be that the match will be called earlier.

Participation in multi events  Applicable for women and seniors only. If participation in multi events will result conflict in a game schedule, participant will need to choose the priority in which tournament shall he or she should proceed further and cancel participation in one or another. That means that the player will forfeit one or another group and will not be able to compete in one or another.



Mezz Cues Baltic 9 Ball Tour Seniors division event


Only top 16 Seniors players are invited to participate according to 2024 Mezz Cues Baltic pool league rankings. Player must be played at least 2 qualifying stages in 2024.


9 AM

Player type


Tournament type

Double to single elimination

Game type

9 ball

Race to

race to 9, race to 11 semi final and final

Bracket size



As many as possible

Break format

Alternate break



Entry fee

60 Eur

Draw type

4 best players according to BPL2024 rankings will be seeded. The rest will be randomly drawn.

Tournament Director and Referee

Gintaras Petrovas

Payouts (guaranteed)












BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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