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12. März 2023

Masse Sunday Handicapped Weekly Chip Competition


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Beginnt 12.03.2023, 14:00 (Lokale Zeit)
Meldeschluss 13.03.2023, 14:00 (Lokale Zeit)
Veranstalter Massé
Ranglisten Massé Sunday Weekly Chip Competition
Format Doppel-KO (10 Teilnehmer)
Satz bis 5
Handicap Ohne Handicap
Mehr Informationen
Sunday Handicapped 9 Ball Tournament

**Please note current change of venue to Massé Pukekohe**

$20 entry to be paid at the venue.
$100 on top prize pool from Massé.

Last 8 Payout.

Entries via CueScore or at the venue from 1pm.

**STRICTLY** Starts at 2pm. Players have to be at the venue by then.

No more late entry/entries after 2pm.

Drawn tournament.

Double life handicap format:

Players Category - A, B & C

A vs A = race to 5
A vs B = race to 5 ( B +1 win)
A vs C = race to 5 ( C + 2 wins)
B vs B = race to 5
B vs C = race to 5 ( C +1 win)
C vs C = race to 5


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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