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26. syyskuuta - 31. joulukuuta 2018

MPCS Panda's Cue Sport Spring Social Cup

Lisää joukkueita
Alkaa 26.9.2018 klo 14.01 Päättyy 31.12.2018 (paikallista aikaa)
Järjestäjä Mpumalanga
Yhteystiedot Hendry Erasmus (erasmushendry@gmail.com, +27 832804712)
Formaatti Liiga (15 Osallistujat)
Tasoitus Ei tasoituksia
Panda Spring Cup 2018
15 Teams
26 September to 12 December 2018
28 November = Last 16
5 December = Last 8 and Semi Finals
12 December = Finals and Prize Giving.

Lohkovaihe sijoitukset Ranking method

Sij Nimi Pelit Voitot Tas. Häviöt vp hp pe AP Teikkaukset Bonus avg Pts
1 Spring Cup Panda's Team 12 Tequila Panda's 14 12 0 2 89 37 52 0 0 0 0.706 36
2 Spring Cup Panda's Team 11 Panda Quacks 14 11 0 3 89 37 52 0 0 0 0.706 33
3 Spring Cup Panda's Team 14 13 10 0 3 72 43 29 0 0 0 0.626 30
4 Spring Cup Panda's Team 6 14 9 0 5 79 47 32 0 0 0 0.627 27
5 Spring Cup Panda's Team 15 14 9 1 4 72 41 31 0 0 0 0.637 27
6 Spring Cup Panda's Team 5 The Gamblers 13 9 0 4 59 58 1 0 0 0 0.504 27
7 Spring Cup Panda's Team 9 Chicks With Kicks 14 8 0 6 72 53 19 0 0 0 0.576 24
8 Spring Cup Panda's Team 8 Three Musketeers 14 7 0 7 61 65 -4 0 0 0 0.484 21
9 Spring Cup Panda's Team 10 14 5 0 9 62 64 -2 0 0 0 0.492 15
10 Powerpuff Girls - Spring Cup Panda's Team 7 14 5 0 9 55 64 -9 0 0 0 0.462 15
11 Spring Cup Panda's Team 1 Black Pandas 13 5 0 8 52 65 -13 0 0 0 0.444 15
12 Spring Cup Panda's Team 2 Panda's Thunder 14 4 0 10 50 76 -26 0 0 0 0.397 12
13 Spring Cup Panda's Team 3 Stefstocks Pandas 11 3 0 8 37 62 -25 0 0 0 0.374 9
14 Spring Cup Panda's Team 4 13 2 1 10 19 88 -69 0 0 0 0.178 6
15 Spring Cup Panda's Team 13 Juniors 11 0 0 11 11 79 -68 0 0 0 0.122 0
Arvokkain pelaaja


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

Kierros 1

South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 1 Black Pandas
Spring Cup Panda's Team 14
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 26.9.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 2 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 2 Panda's Thunder
Spring Cup Panda's Team 13 Juniors
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 26.9.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 3 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 3 Skydiving Pandas
Spring Cup Panda's Team 12 Tequila Panda's
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 26.9.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 4 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 4
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 11 Panda Quacks
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 26.9.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 5 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 5 The Gamblers
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 10
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 26.9.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 6 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 6
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 9 Chicks With Kicks
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 26.9.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 8 Three Musketeers
South Africa
Powerpuff Girls - Spring Cup Panda's Team 7
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 26.9.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 8 PCS@LU

Kierros 2

Spring Cup Panda's Team 15
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 8 Three Musketeers
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 3.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 2 PCS@LU
South Africa
Powerpuff Girls - Spring Cup Panda's Team 7
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 6
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 3.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 3 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 9 Chicks With Kicks
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 5 The Gamblers
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 3.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 4 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 10
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 4
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 3.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 5 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 11 Panda Quacks
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 3 Skydiving Pandas
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 3.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 6 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 12 Tequila Panda's
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 2 Panda's Thunder
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 3.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 13 Juniors
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 1 Black Pandas
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 3.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 8 PCS@LU

Kierros 3

Spring Cup Panda's Team 14
Spring Cup Panda's Team 13 Juniors
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 3.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 2 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 1 Black Pandas
Spring Cup Panda's Team 12 Tequila Panda's
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 3.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 3 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 2 Panda's Thunder
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 11 Panda Quacks
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 3.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 4 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 3 Skydiving Pandas
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 10
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 3.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 5 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 4
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 9 Chicks With Kicks
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 3.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 6 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 5 The Gamblers
South Africa
Powerpuff Girls - Spring Cup Panda's Team 7
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 3.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 6
Spring Cup Panda's Team 15
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 3.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 8 PCS@LU

Kierros 4

South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 8 Three Musketeers
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 6
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 10.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 2 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 15
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 5 The Gamblers
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 10.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 3 PCS@LU
South Africa
Powerpuff Girls - Spring Cup Panda's Team 7
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 4
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 8.12  Pöytä 4 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 9 Chicks With Kicks
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 3 Skydiving Pandas
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 10.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 5 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 10
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 2 Panda's Thunder
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 10.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 6 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 11 Panda Quacks
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 1 Black Pandas
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 10.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 12 Tequila Panda's
Spring Cup Panda's Team 14
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 10.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 8 PCS@LU

Kierros 5

Spring Cup Panda's Team 13 Juniors
Spring Cup Panda's Team 12 Tequila Panda's
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 10.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 2 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 14
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 11 Panda Quacks
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 10.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 3 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 1 Black Pandas
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 10
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 10.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 4 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 2 Panda's Thunder
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 9 Chicks With Kicks
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 10.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 5 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 3 Skydiving Pandas
South Africa
Powerpuff Girls - Spring Cup Panda's Team 7
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 8.13  Pöytä 6 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 4
Spring Cup Panda's Team 15
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 8.13  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 5 The Gamblers
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 8 Three Musketeers
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 10.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 8 PCS@LU

Kierros 6

South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 6
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 5 The Gamblers
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 2 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 8 Three Musketeers
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 4
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 3 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 15
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 3 Skydiving Pandas
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 4 PCS@LU
South Africa
Powerpuff Girls - Spring Cup Panda's Team 7
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 2 Panda's Thunder
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 5 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 9 Chicks With Kicks
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 1 Black Pandas
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 6 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 10
Spring Cup Panda's Team 14
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 11 Panda Quacks
Spring Cup Panda's Team 13 Juniors
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 8 PCS@LU

Kierros 7

Spring Cup Panda's Team 12 Tequila Panda's
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 11 Panda Quacks
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 2 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 13 Juniors
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 10
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 3 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 14
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 9 Chicks With Kicks
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 4 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 1 Black Pandas
South Africa
Powerpuff Girls - Spring Cup Panda's Team 7
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 5 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 2 Panda's Thunder
Spring Cup Panda's Team 15
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 6 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 3 Skydiving Pandas
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 8 Three Musketeers
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 4
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 6
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 17.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 8 PCS@LU

Kierros 8

South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 5 The Gamblers
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 4
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 24.10.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 2 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 6
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 3 Skydiving Pandas
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 24.10.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 3 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 8 Three Musketeers
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 2 Panda's Thunder
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 24.10.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 4 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 15
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 1 Black Pandas
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 24.10.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 5 PCS@LU
South Africa
Powerpuff Girls - Spring Cup Panda's Team 7
Spring Cup Panda's Team 14
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 24.10.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 6 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 9 Chicks With Kicks
Spring Cup Panda's Team 13 Juniors
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 24.10.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 10
Spring Cup Panda's Team 12 Tequila Panda's
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 24.10.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 8 PCS@LU

Kierros 9

South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 11 Panda Quacks
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 10
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 31.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 2 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 12 Tequila Panda's
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 9 Chicks With Kicks
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 31.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 3 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 13 Juniors
South Africa
Powerpuff Girls - Spring Cup Panda's Team 7
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 31.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 4 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 14
Spring Cup Panda's Team 15
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 31.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 5 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 1 Black Pandas
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 8 Three Musketeers
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 31.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 6 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 2 Panda's Thunder
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 6
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 31.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 3 Skydiving Pandas
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 5 The Gamblers
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 31.10.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 8 PCS@LU

Kierros 10

South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 4
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 3 Skydiving Pandas
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 31.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 2 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 5 The Gamblers
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 2 Panda's Thunder
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 31.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 2 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 6
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 1 Black Pandas
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 31.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 3 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 8 Three Musketeers
Spring Cup Panda's Team 14
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 31.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 5 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 15
Spring Cup Panda's Team 13 Juniors
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 31.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 6 PCS@LU
South Africa
Powerpuff Girls - Spring Cup Panda's Team 7
Spring Cup Panda's Team 12 Tequila Panda's
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 31.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 9 Chicks With Kicks
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 11 Panda Quacks
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 31.10.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 8 PCS@LU

Kierros 11

South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 10
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 9 Chicks With Kicks
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 7.11.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 2 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 11 Panda Quacks
South Africa
Powerpuff Girls - Spring Cup Panda's Team 7
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 7.11.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 3 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 12 Tequila Panda's
Spring Cup Panda's Team 15
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 7.11.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 4 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 13 Juniors
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 8 Three Musketeers
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 7.11.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 5 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 14
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 6
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 7.11.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 6 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 1 Black Pandas
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 5 The Gamblers
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 7.11.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 2 Panda's Thunder
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 4
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 7.11.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 8 PCS@LU

Kierros 12

South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 3 Stefstocks Pandas
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 2 Panda's Thunder
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 7.11.2018 klo 20.00 
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 4
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 1 Black Pandas
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 7.11.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 3 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 5 The Gamblers
Spring Cup Panda's Team 14
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 7.11.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 4 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 6
Spring Cup Panda's Team 13 Juniors
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 7.11.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 5 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 8 Three Musketeers
Spring Cup Panda's Team 12 Tequila Panda's
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 7.11.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 6 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 15
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 11 Panda Quacks
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 7.11.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
South Africa
Powerpuff Girls - Spring Cup Panda's Team 7
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 10
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 7.11.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 8 PCS@LU

Kierros 13

South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 9 Chicks With Kicks
South Africa
Powerpuff Girls - Spring Cup Panda's Team 7
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 14.11.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 10
Spring Cup Panda's Team 15
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 14.11.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 4 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 11 Panda Quacks
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 8 Three Musketeers
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 14.11.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 5 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 12 Tequila Panda's
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 6
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 14.11.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 6 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 13 Juniors
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 5 The Gamblers
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 14.11.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 14
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 4
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 14.11.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 8 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 1 Black Pandas
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 3 Stefstocks Pandas
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 14.11.2018 klo 18.30  Pöytä 8 PCS@LU

Kierros 14

South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 2 Panda's Thunder
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 1 Black Pandas
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 14.11.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 4 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 3 Stefstocks Pandas
Spring Cup Panda's Team 14
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 14.11.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 3 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 4
Spring Cup Panda's Team 13 Juniors
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 14.11.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 4 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 5 The Gamblers
Spring Cup Panda's Team 12 Tequila Panda's
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 14.11.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 5 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 6
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 11 Panda Quacks
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 14.11.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 6 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 8 Three Musketeers
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 10
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 14.11.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 15
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 9 Chicks With Kicks
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 14.11.2018 klo 20.00  Pöytä 8 PCS@LU

Kierros 15

South Africa
Powerpuff Girls - Spring Cup Panda's Team 7
Spring Cup Panda's Team 15
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 21.11.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 3 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 9 Chicks With Kicks
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 8 Three Musketeers
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 21.11.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 4 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 10
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 6
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 21.11.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 5 PCS@LU
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 11 Panda Quacks
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 5 The Gamblers
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 21.11.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 6 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 12 Tequila Panda's
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 4
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 21.11.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 13 Juniors
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 3 Stefstocks Pandas
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 21.11.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 7 PCS@LU
Spring Cup Panda's Team 14
South Africa
Spring Cup Panda's Team 2 Panda's Thunder
Panda's Cue Sport @ Lake Umuzi 21.11.2018 klo 19.30  Pöytä 8 PCS@LU


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