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27 июля 2024 г.

M.P.A. Men's Singles 2024


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Начало 27 июл. 2024 г., 10:00 До 27 июл. 2024 г. (Местное время)
Entry open from 21 мая 2024 г., 08:00 (Местное время)
Окончание регистрации 26 июл. 2024 г., 19:00 (Местное время)
Организатор Marlborough Pool Association
Контакты Greg Croudis (gjcroudis@icloud.com, 021 446146)
Рейтинги M.P.A. Mens и M.P.A. Mens 2024
Формат Группы (4 Участники)
До 3
Фора Без форы
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Marlborough Pool Association Men's Singles 2024

Last years champion was Greg Croudis and Runner Up was Brent Simmons.
Held at the Waterfront Bar n Grill and Redwood Tavern on July 27th, 10am start.
Finals at the Waterfront.
This is not an open tournament therefore you must be a financial member of the M.P.A. to enter.
Section play best of 5, Number of sections/qualifiers will depend on entries, Final will be best of 9
Entry is $20 per player. Pay on the day.
100% payout for prizes.
Entries can be done online (this cuescore page) or by contacting Greg Croudis (021446146).
Relaxed dress code, Collared top (men), closed toe shoes (no sandals, jandals or bare feet), no ripped/torn clothing or offensive logos.
For further information contact Greg Croudis (021 446146)

For last years results goto,


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