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15 dhjetor 2024

In-House Handicap 9 Ball Series Grand Finals 2024


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Fillon 15 dhj 2024, 11:00 e paradites (Koha lokale)
Organizatori El Thief Tournaments
Kontakti Keith Walkerdine
Format Double to Single elimination (0 Pjesmarresit)
Gara deri ne : 7
Hendikep Me hendikep
Me shum informata
This tournament and series is for league player’s current and former, as well as local players only.

Players will qualify for this tournament from top 8 or 12 or 16 players in the rankings after the completion of event 7 if qualifying criteria met. Players must have played at least 3 events to have a chance to qualify.

This will be a seeded draw

Details for Tournament

• Doors open at 10.45am with play starting at 11am.
• Limited to ? maximum entries on the above criteria.
• In-house handicap system of -3 to 5.
• Double elimination to knockout round to last 4.
• Races to 7.
• Alternate break through out.
. If you are 15 minutes late or more you will forfeit your first match.


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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