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13. července - 14. července 2024

---- European Open 2024 Qualifier Tournament ---- Billiard Center Thessaloniki


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Začátek 13. 7. 2024 11:00 Do 14. 7. 2024 (Místní čas)
Uzávěrka přihlášek 10. 6. 2024 18:00 (Místní čas)
Pořadatel Matchroom Pool a Billiard Center Thessaloniki
Formát Double to Single elimination (64 Registrovaní)
Hraje se na 9
Handicap Bez handicapu
Dresscode Dress-code B
Více informací
Qualifier Tournament for European Open Fulda, Germany
July 13-14, 2024.
-Entry fee : 50€
-Table free of charge through whole tournament
-All matches will be played in a race to 9, winner's break, WNT break box.
-Double Elimination Bracket till last 8, Single Elimination Bracket last 8

For 64 players, prize will be 4 entries for European Open Championship and 400€ each player for their travel and accomodation expenses.
For 32-63 players, prize will be 2 entries for European Open Championship and 400€ each player for their travel and accomodation expenses. The extra amount of money will be left over, will be shared to places 3-8 in knockout stage.
In case that ,less than 32 players sign up we reserve the right to postpone the event as per WNT guideline.
All players must pay the entry fee before the draw, which will take place on Thursday 11 of July at 19:00

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