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Italian language support!

We're on a mission when it comes to bringing the world of billiards together. We are now one step closer. With the help from a new friend in Italy, the site has been translated to Italian.

We are proud to announce the availability of the Italian language in the language selection box on our site. It translates all the main items of the site (although not article content like this one).

As with every language added, it is maintained by someone in the billiard community, and we can thank Marco Conventi from Pool Events for making us more accessible to the Italians! Thank you for helping us make the world a little bit smaller! :)

Community translations

We rely on people in our community to do translations, and there is a good reason for it. In billiards, there is a lot of technical terms you need to be familiar with. You cannot simply start translating something without being familiar with the lingo, or do a lot of research in advance. A translator without knowledge of such terms could easily make a mess out of the translation and the site would be full of swimming pools and other stuff unrelated to what we actually do. For us it's important to know that translations are made and maintained by people who actually cares about the content once it is out there, and who cares about the billiard sport in general, because we certainly do!

If you think CueScore is missing a language, and you have some free time to spend on doing a translation, please drop an email to and we just might add it! :)

Published Nov 2, 2017


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