The 2018 Irish Blackball Championships
Hotel Curracloe, Co.Wexford
June 14th-17th 2018⚠️DEADLINE APRIL 29TH
IBA presents Irish Blackball Championships featuring 5 man InterCounty Team event plus Singles Championship.
Open to all who live in the 4 corners of our island, North, South, East and West.
Categories across the board including Mens, Mens B, Ladies,Masters(o50),Under 23, LD and Wheelchair competitions
Entry Fees:
Men's €250 per 5 Man team. Each additional sub €50 extra
Men's B €200 per 5 Man team. Each additional sub €40 extra
Masters €200 per 5 Man team. Each additional sub €40 extra
Ladie's €150 per 3 player team. Each additional sub €50 extra
Learning Disabilities: €150 per 3 Person Team. €50 per player extra.
WheelChair Individual: €50 entry fee
Under 23's Individual €30 entry fee
All entries/fees being handled by treasurer Mary Morris.
Deadline Sunday April 29th.
*Contact Mary Morris for Bank Details to make payment.
Teams are only confirmed as entered when Mary receives full payment for teams.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::☢Team Formats:
Men's and Seniors will both be best of 25 frame matches including the group round robin stage before the knockout stage.
All other sections will be best of 15 frame matches including the group round robin stage before the knockout stage. There will also be a plate for Teams who are knocked out at the Group stages.
☢Team panels:
Men and Seniors will be 5 a side teams with up to 7 players allowed per team panel.
In all of the other categories the teams will be 3 a side with up to 5 players allowed per team panel.
A county can enter multiple teams in any section if they wish
IBA are inviting all individuals who are interested in running a county team(s) to contact John Maher here on facebook or at his email address:
*All teams will be designated a Colour if more than one team represents a county.
Entry fee for the singles events is €20 for all players.
☢Player Eligibility:
For a player to be eligible to represent a particular county he/she must meet at least one of the following criteria:
a: The player was born in that county
b: (1) The player was born in that county but is currently living or working overseas. The player may be requested to provide proof by means of a legal document eg a birth certificate
b: (2)
Any person not living in Ireland, but of Irish descent, ie: through parents/grandparents, can play for the county they are from.
c: The player currently resides or works within the postcode of that county
All Nationalities welcome as long as they meet criteria above.
☢Dress Code:
All team members must adhere to the dress code in place namely Matching polo or dress shirts (with collar) bearing their county badge and trousers.Additional sponsorship logo also allowed.
Singles Entrants Polo Shirt, Trousers and Shoes (colour optional)
*Failure to meet these criteria will mean refusal to compete.
☢Match Format:
1. Teams will be drawn into groups and normal round robin will apply
( * If numbers too high we will revert to straight Knockout format with losing 1st round teams going into the plate, in an effort to ensure we finish within the 3 days. Counties will be given plenty of notice if this is to occur)
2. Captains submit their 5 player names in order before each session
3. All frames are played ie 25 frames in Mens & Seniors and 15 frames in other categories
4. Final Group standings are determined by match points, then frame count, then head to head if teams have the same number of points and frames won.