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May 5, 2023

US_Demi finales championnat de France Mixtes Nord 2022-2023 (14/1)


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#NameHighest breakAvg Points
1 France Nicolas KALB
54, 31, 29, 25, 21, 20, 15 4.910 379
2 France Nicolas Rimbot
46, 27, 25, 22, 20, 14 4.684 349
3 France Alexandre EVE
28, 26, 25, 20, 18 4.271 321
3 France Thierry Kalb
29, 27, 16, 15, 12 3.780 321
5 France Nathanaël Wehl
22, 14, 7, 4 2.113 295
5 France Murat Gungordu
17, 15, 15, 14 3.258 295
5 France Cyrille Deruel
28, 16, 16, 15 4.283 295
5 Tunisia yassine chebaane
23, 14, 12, 11, 7 2.198 295
9 France Jean Pierre Collidor
20, 15, 11, 11 2.440 271
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9 France Laurent Dournaux
17, 15, 11 2.545 271
9 Luxembourg Fabien Tormen
18, 17, 10, 8 2.417 271
9 France Vincent JUSTIN
13, 8, 5 1.698 271
9 France Achraf el ammouri
14, 13, 13, 11 2.553 271
9 France Jérôme Lefevre
18, 14, 8, 7 2.346 271
9 France Stephane Leveille
26, 17, 15, 14 3.014 271
9 France Soufiane Raissouni
65, 21, 15, 15 6.233 271
17 France Yannick Barrabès
11, 10, 9 2.093 249
17 France Michael Nycek
11, 10, 3 1.596 249
17 France Vincent Even (FFB)
21, 14, 7 2.288 249
17 France Michael Merabtene
21, 15, 6 3.703 249
17 France Daniel HEROLT
12, 8, 2 2.044 249
17 France Arnaud Ledon
13, 11, 11 2.649 249
17 France Benoit Nadjar
27, 17, 17 3.510 249
17 France Eric BAROUX
16, 14, 14 2.270 249
25 France Radovan Opalic
23, 5 2.618 229
25 France Stéphane Vanel
9, 7 2.310 229
25 France Cyril Travers
9, 6 1.032 229
25 France Gilles Debray
7, 6 1.500 229
25 Italy Rachid Bouchareb
14, 8 1.630 229
25 France Pascal Loial
13, 10 1.929 229
25 Tunisia Marwen HMANDI
18, 4 2.333 229
25 France Christophe Hagnere
11, 7 1.298 229
Starts May 5, 2023, 8:00 AM (local time)
Contact Sandra Herbomez (
Rankings US_Classement général demies Nord 2022-2023
Format Double to Single elimination (32 Participants)
Race to 65
Handicap No handicap

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