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September 21 - April 4, 2024

Premier Division

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#NameMatches (won/lost)Frames (won/lost)Win percentage
1 England Cueball C
18 (13/2) 180 (117/63)
2 England Team Chestnut
18 (11/7) 180 (102/78)
3 England Cueball Derby
18 (10/5) 180 (101/79)
4 England Spondon Liberal
18 (11/7) 180 (100/80)
5 England Corn Exchange HS
18 (9/5) 180 (103/77)
6 England Cueball MC
18 (9/5) 180 (99/81)
7 England Littleover Social Club
18 (4/10) 180 (69/111)
8 England Jaxx B
18 (3/9) 180 (75/105)
9 England Brookfield
18 (3/12) 180 (74/106)
10 England Horse & Groom A
18 (2/13) 180 (60/120)
Starts Sep 21, 2023, 8:15 PM Until Apr 4, 2024 (local time)
Organizer DCPL
Contact Daz Ell-zey Allseybrook (, 07702700369) and Graham Betteridge (
Format League (10 Participants)
Handicap No handicap
More info
Must have 5 players to play 2nd set.
A no show results in minus 3 points.
No rearranged matches after the scheduled date.
If a team is late the 1st frame to be claimed after 15 minutes then 1 frame every 10 minutes.
Any issues you must raise them to league secretary Sonia Walker.
If a team fails 2 away matches they will be removed from the league

Round-robin standings Ranking method

Pos Name Played Win Tie Lose ws ls sd RO Lags Bonus avg Pts
1 Cueball C 18 13 3 2 117 63 54 0 0 0 0.65 42
2 Team Chestnut 18 11 0 7 102 78 24 0 0 0 0.567 33
3 Cueball Derby 18 10 3 5 101 79 22 0 0 0 0.561 33
4 Spondon Liberal 18 11 0 7 100 80 20 0 0 0 0.556 33
5 Corn Exchange HS 18 9 4 5 103 77 26 0 0 0 0.572 31
6 Cueball MC 18 9 4 5 99 81 18 0 0 0 0.55 31
7 Littleover Social Club 18 4 4 10 69 111 -42 0 0 0 0.383 16
8 Jaxx B 18 3 6 9 75 105 -30 0 0 0 0.417 15
9 Brookfield 18 3 3 12 74 106 -32 0 0 0 0.411 12
10 Horse & Groom A 18 2 3 13 60 120 -60 0 0 0 0.333 9
Most valuable player


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