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December 19, 2021

Championat Fédéral Individuell 14/1


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#NameHighest breakAvg Points
1 Portugal Joaquim Barbosa
25, 19, 13 4.076 150
2 England Dave Gosden
15, 13, 12, 10, 8 2.294 130
3 Belgium Christophe Godard
24, 16, 13, 10 2.558 110
4 Portugal Daniel Silva
18, 17, 16, 9 2.331 110
5 Belgium David Himpe
12, 12, 11, 8, 5 2.102 90
6 France Laurence LIST
11, 8, 6, 5, 3 1.557 90
Starts Dec 19, 2021, 10:00 AM (local time)
Entry deadline Dec 17, 2021, 11:59 PM (local time)
Organizer Federation Luxembourgoise des Amateurs de Billard ASBL
Rankings Ranking National Individuel
Format Round robin (6 Participants)
Race to 75
Handicap No handicap
Dresscode Dresscode B

Round-robin standings

Group A Ranking method
Pos Name Played Win Tie Lose b hb ings avg Pts
1 Joaquim Barbosa 5 5 0 0 375 25 92 4.076 5
2 Dave Gosden 5 4 0 1 351 15 153 2.294 4
3 Christophe Godard 5 3 0 2 307 24 120 2.558 3
4 Daniel Silva 5 2 0 3 282 18 121 2.331 2
5 David Himpe 5 1 0 4 269 12 128 2.102 1
6 Laurence LIST 5 0 0 5 179 11 115 1.557 0


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