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March 2 - March 3, 2024

Balkan Junior Championship - Round 2


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#NameMatches (won/lost)Frames (won/lost)Win percentage
1 North Macedonia Blendi Qazimi
5 (5/0) 43 (29/14)
2 North Macedonia Andrej Gjurchinovski
4 (3/1) 34 (22/12)
3 Kosovo Dijar Kutleshi
5 (3/2) 36 (20/16)
3 Kosovo Mal Shehu
3 (2/1) 24 (15/9)
5 North Macedonia Lindon Sadiki
3 (1/2) 18 (4/14)
5 Bulgaria Petar Tsanev
4 (2/2) 29 (13/16)
5 Kosovo Iris Gashi
3 (1/2) 25 (13/12)
5 North Macedonia Ilija Dimovski
2 (1/1) 18 (8/10)
9 North Macedonia Diell Veseli
2 (0/2) 12 (4/8)
9 Bulgaria Vasil Sandakciev
3 (1/2) 15 (5/10)
9 North Macedonia Biori Saiti
2 (0/2) 12 (4/8)
9 Bulgaria Viktor Todorov
2 (0/2) 8 (0/8)
FF North Macedonia Kerem Aliji
0 (0/0) 0 (0/0)
FF Kosovo Venis Sijarina
0 (0/0) 0 (0/0)
Starts Mar 2, 2024, 4:00 PM Until Mar 3, 2024 (local time)
Entry deadline Feb 29, 2024, 10:00 PM (local time)
Organizer Gran Klub
Contact Goran Gjurcinovski (, 00389 71 285 270)
Format Double to Single elimination (14 Participants)
Race to 4
Handicap No handicap
Dresscode - collared T-shirt, regardless of sleeve length and colour. The use of a short-sleeved T-shirt is permitted, with another long-sleeved one underneath. T-shirts without a collar are not allowed, nor is playing with sweatshirts, sweaters, etc.
- dark formal trousers - participation in cargo shorts, jeans, cut-offs, etc. is not permitted. Trousers must not have eyelets, chains etc. Women are allowed to play in a dark formal skirt that covers the knees.
- belts are mandatory for men and juniors.
- formal or sports shoes made of leather or leather-like material - no bright or patterned trainers or flip-flops allowed. Sports shoes are only allowed when they are all black with absolutely no other colours on them.
(2) Listed competitors must play wearing a club t-shirt. The collared t-shirt must be that of the club that the player is listed with. The shirt cannot be a plain collared shirt without the logo of the club being represented. An exception may be made for the first tournament of the year only.
(3) The use of headphones or earplugs during a match is strictly prohibited.
(4) The use of electronic cigarettes during a match is strictly prohibited.
(5) The use of mobile devices during a match is strictly prohibited.
More info
The fsekond of the 5 Junior tournaments of the BBA Calendar. Along with each BBA Men's round, there will also be a Junior tournament. Also scheduled for the summer is another Junior-only tournament along with a summer camp.
The tournament will be without a prize fund with only cups and medals. Tournament fees will be collected for the Summer Camp.
Juniors under 19 years - members to BBA - €10, Partner Member - €30 – Non-member €50
- juniors under 12 yrs. – Free, Partner Member – Free, Non-members – Free
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