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13 luglio - 14 luglio 2024

Youth Tour 2024 - Petrich Bulgaria


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Partenza 13 lug 2024, 10:00 Fno a 14 lug 2024 (Ora locale)
Organizzato da Bo&Bo Billiard Club
Contatto Georgi Bozhkov (, 00359879557554)
Formato Doppia eliminazione e Tabellone finale (5 Partecipanti)
Match al 7
Handicap Nessun handicap
Dresscode Dress code is according to the EPBF Dress code
Maggiori informazioni
Top 2 from each stop will receive a spot in the “Masters event” played in
December 2024. In the Ardennen Cup one spot is awarded to the winner of the
girls event, whereas the boys event also has 1 spot. No players will be seeded.
Total number of athletes in the Masters will be 16.
EPBF will cover the costs for accommodation for all participants in the final event
for one night in a shared double room
30€ Entry Fee

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