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17. maaliskuuta - 19. maaliskuuta 2017

WPS 2nd series - QUALIFIER - Colorado


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Ilmoittauduttava viimeistään 11.3.2017 klo 17.00 (paikallista aikaa)
Yhteystiedot Joshua Ramey (joshpramey@Gmail.com, 9704022177)
Formaatti Tuplaeliminaatio (7 Osallistujat)
Voittomäärä 6
Tasoitus Ei tasoituksia
$3500 added with 128 players or more! Diamond Bar Boxes to be used. Open. NO HANDICAP!!!!
Contact Joshua Ramey to get signed up! text is easy 970-402-2177. Or message me on here. Felt will have a pre pay site up soon.

Top lady will be paid (with 8 ladies or more) $200 bonus on top of anything she wins by cashing!! If she does not cash she will still get the $200 bonus.

8-ball. Race to 5. Double Elimination. BCA Rules. Alternate breaks. Rack your own
Buy-in $70. Includes Green fees, and Admin fees ($20)

The winner of the event will win paid entry into the WPS Aramith Masters at Steinway Billiards in New York. (The entry is pre-paid so the amount will be taken out of the winners total prize fund)
For more information about the WPS Event please visit http://www.worldpoolseries.com/events/ for all the information you will need.

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