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12 февраля г. - 29 октября 2025 г.

WGPL A Division

Мировые правила
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Начало 12 февр. 2025 г., 20:00 До 29 окт. 2025 г. (Местное время)
Entry open from 1 дек. 2024 г., 00:00 (Местное время)
Окончание регистрации 31 янв. 2025 г., 00:00 (Местное время)
Организатор Western Gauteng 8 Ball Pool and Snooker Federation
Контакты Quinton Human (QH@hpesa.com, 062 397 0979)
Рейтинги WGPL A Division
Формат Лига (1 Участники)
До 25
Фора Без форы
Форма одежды - Long Trousers/Jeans, Collared Shirts, or Club Shirt. No shorts, tights or gym pants or vests
are allowed. No torn or faded Jeans .No current SA shirts or Provincial attire to be
worn during league matches. SA attire may be worn at Championships and Trials.

- Closed Formal leather shoes and socks. No Plakkies/Tekkies/Sneakers/Steel cap safety
shoes or open shoes will be permitted.

- Any player, who fails to abide by the Dress Code and refuses to conform after being
requested to do so, WILL forfeit the Match.


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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