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7 avril - 31 octobre 2021


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Démarrage du tournoi 7 avr. 2021, 09:57 à 31 oct. 2021 (heure local)
Date limite d'inscription 30 avr. 2021, 12:00 (heure local)
Organisateur Tempe Cuesport Academy
Contacter Annette Swart (, 0837077910)
Format (6 Participants)
Handicap Sans handicap
Plus d'infos
Good Day
Tempe is starting their CAROM League for this year in May 2021. If you want to be part kindly Contact David Kriel at 083 642 4615 or just click on the join Button
League will be played not every Tuesday. The winner will be the highest Points in 10 min Game. So this game will only take you 10 min of your time.

Déroulement du tournoi

BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

Le tirage n'a pas encore eu lieu.


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